2001: a space odyssey book goodreads

In fact, despite a polarized response from critics the movie did tremendously well with mainstream audiences and became a massive financial hit thanks to word of mouth. 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY by Arthur C. Clarke. And I found the idea of consciousness being a pivotal part of existence which drives the story here. by Roc. I don't read much sci-fi, so I don't know if this is the way good sci-fi novels are written. Finally, the end of the book is an unusual and interesting "first contact" story (although, in my opinion, one that suffers from a both overblown and indeterminate ending.).

In fact, despite a polarized response from critics the movie did tremendously well with mainstream audiences and became a massive financial hit thanks to word of mouth. My dad told me to read the book. Was I ever wrong! This one surprised me. For that, I'm glad I didn't give up on reading this like I had debated many times, but it was pretty slow to get through. Arthur C. Clarke was a genius: the heights he attains in Parts 5 and 6 literally boggle the mind.

Without question. The novel—based on the script, based on a Clarke short story—is far more logical. Like many, I picked this one up after I watched the movie and wanted to know what the @#$% happened at the end. While other authors can step back from their narrative and offer commentary that is applicable beyond it, Clarke can at times be didactic without really moving his narrative forward.
BFI Modern Classics / BFI Film Classics series, Mariah Carey Is Telling Her Own Story (and Recommending Books). I have never watched the movie, and I am less inclined today than I was yesterday. “Behind every man now alive stand thirty ghosts, for that is the ratio by which the dead outnumber the living. We’d love your help. My reviews of the other books in the series: Welcome back. He spent the first half of his life in England, where he served in World War Two as a radar operator, before emigrating to Ceylon in 1956. I've let almost 20 years pass to read the book, but it did answer some questions I had. The book didn't help much - of course I found out later that Stanley Kubrick withheld a lot of information from ACC and also gave him some misdirection, so it might be best to look at the movie and the book as related entities but not the same. It can surprise you, but the novel hasn’t won any major awards when it was published. It begins with evolutionary theory and ends with evolutionary theory with hardly a real story in between. I remember that I was confused, especially about the ending. Assuming this isn't his only good work, which I doubt. It's so famous now that of course you know some of what happens going in, but the attention to detail and the quality of the guesswork is really great, and some parts of it are gorgeous. This book is very well written, so I would say it is a "page turner". It grabbed me from the very beginning. I enjoy both, though I think the movie is a better movie than the book is a book; and I definitely enjoy the book mostly because of its connection to the amazing film. The book didn't help much - of course I found out later that Stanley Kubrick withheld a lot of information from ACC and also gave him some misdirection, so it might be best to look at the movie and the book as related entities but not the same. I don't know quite what I was expecting, but not a really easy, absorbing read like this.

He did a good job dispelling some of the myths surrounding 2001's original release. A quick and insightful overview. Like Stanley Kubrick’s movie adaptation of the same name, reading this sci-fi classic makes one realize how much ahead of its own time this work was. If you prefer to retain the acid-trip experience, skip the read.

It was indeed full of such details, but because of them I was completely immersed into the action and had no problems picturing what was going on (a rarity in sci-fi). Some books in the genre leave me a little underwhelmed, and some just bore me. I learnt a few things from this book about the planning of the film, and some of the reactions to the film following its release in 1968. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published An interesting survey of Stanley Kubrick's film 2001 - A Space Odyssey. Now I just have to see the film and people can stop gasping when I say I haven't yet. I found it an informative resource about the production and release of the movie that dispelled the mythology surrounding it. That's a little weird, because I have liked the books of his I've read before.

I read 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY through an error. How true that seems today, with the constant flow of mindless information available online (of which I suppose this review is a part...). As I read, I marveled anew at Clarke's accuracy in imagining 33 years in the future. The third part (with HAL) is focused on individual human psychology and the potential for problems inherent in man's use of his own technology. The detailed speculation about space and time in the story, conjured during that early period when space exploration was full of possibilities and unexplored theories, also show the thorough scientific research that the author undertook. I'd read this book before, but not since I was a kid, so I didn't remember it all that clearly. But just as a book, it doesn't work so well for me. I liked this line: "The more wonderful the means of c. I haven't read this for years, but watching the movie version last weekend with my son made me want to look at the book again.

Would be a perfect reference for teaching the film in class. Right from the man-ape gaining the first form of intelligence, to man’s confrontation of evidences. There was an amazing introduction by Neil Gaiman in the Penguin Galaxy edition that I got to read. Celebrate Sci-Fi and Fantasy Subgenres with These 64 Books. ), An Engrossing, Philosophical Adventure Through Space and Time, If Part 6 isn't just an elaborate allegory for dropping so much acid your ego disintegrates I'll eat this book.


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