amyntas iii of macedon

Amyntas III of Macedon King. Perdiccas III mounted a campaign against the Illyrians to drive them from his northern regions and was killed in battle in late 360 BCE. Kotys had already married his daughter to the Athenian general Iphicrates. Finally they sent Polybiades, who besieged Olynthus and forced the Olynthians to surrender on terms. 3 (1995), 257-282. Amyntas came to the throne during the disorders that plagued Macedonia after the death of the powerful king Archelaus (ruled c. 413–399). Amyntas II (o III. His skillful diplomacy created a minor role for Macedonia in Greek affairs and prepared the way for its emergence as a great power under his son Philip II (ruled 359–336).

Category:Amyntas III of Macedon. Amyntas I of Macedon, king of Macedon (c. 540–498 BC) Amyntas II of Macedon, king of Macedon; Amyntas III of Macedon, king of Macedon (393–369 BC) Amyntas IV of Macedon, king of Macedon (359 BC) Amyntas died at an advanced age, leaving his throne to his eldest son.
Amyntas shipped the timber to the house of the Athenian Timotheus, in the Piraeus. His most famous son is Philip II, father of Alexander the Great.He is historically considered the founder of the unified Macedonian state. Amyntas came to the throne after a period of some confusion. Amyntas shipped the timber to the house of the Athenian Timotheus, in the Piraeus. After the death of Orestes (possibly killed by Aeropus), his guardian ruled alone as Aeropus II. 3 (1995), 257-282. His most famous son is Philip II, father of Alexander the Great. - Cookies. [2] Medius, head of the house of the Aleuadae of Larissa, is believed to have provided aid to Amyntas in recovering his throne. The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. In 393 BC, he was driven out by the Dardani Illyrians, but he returned the following year with help from the Thessalians. He established connections with Kotys, chief of the Odrysians. [2] In 371 BC at a Panhellenic congress of the Lacedaemonian allies, he voted in support of the Athenians' claim and joined other Greeks in voting to help Athens to recover possession of Amphipolis.[5][6]. Amyntas was the son of Arrhidaeus and the great-grandson of Alexander I of Macedon, and he came to a throne after a six-year interregnum which followed the death of King Archelaus I of Macedon … Amyntas shipped the timber to the house of the Athenian Timotheus, in Piraeus. Amyntas was a son of King Perdiccas III of Macedon. In 359…. Brother of Balakros the Perdiccid. In both cases he came to the throne after assassinating Pausanias, but was soon driven out by an Illyrian invasion. King Amyntas III Of Macedonia b. : ., 3rd … He was born in about 365 BC. [3] He also entered into a league with Jason of Pherae, and assiduously cultivated the friendship of Athens. By his wife Eurydice, Amyntas had three sons, Alexander II, Perdiccas III and the youngest of whom was the famous Philip II of Macedon. Historica Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Greek, Ancient: Ἀμύντας, Phillip II "The One Eye", king of Macedonia. The mutual relations between the Argeadae and the Aleuadae dates to the time of Archelaus I. ), hijo de Arrideo, bisnieto de Alexander I., rey de Macedonia desde 393 (o 389) a 369 aC Llegó al trono después de los diez años de confusión que siguieron a la muerte de Arquelao , el mecenas del arte y la literatura, y mostró el mismo gusto … Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Treaties between Amyntas III and the Chalcidians, Srpskohrvatski / српскохрватски, Duane A. AR tetrobol. 393-369 BC. When Amyntas sought Spartan aid against the growing threat of Olynthus, the Spartans eagerly responded. We have created a browser extension. Congratulations on this excellent venture… what a great idea! Amyntas III (Greek: Ἀμύντας Γ΄, - 370 BC) son of Arrhidaeus and father of Philip II, was king of Macedon in 393 BC, and again from 392 to 370 BC. Amyntas III (Greek: Ἀμύντας Γ΄; died 370 BC), was a Macedonian king of Macedon in 393 BC, and again from 392 to 370 BC. In the first version Amyntas went into exile in Thessaly, and was soon restored by the Thessalians.

He is historically considered the founder of the unified Macedonian kingdom.

The second list gives Amyntas two periods in power, of six and eighteen years (the same 24 as Diodorus), but with a two year gap for Argaeus, son of Pausanias. Kotys had already married his daughter to the Athenian general Iphicrates. He established good relations with the Athens of Pisistratus, albeit under his reign Macedon was subjected to Persia.5 Children of King of Macedonia Amyntas I Argaead: King of Macedonia Alexander I Philhellene Argaead + N. N. Argaead + [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners: The Complete Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, Kings of England, and Queen Philippa (.


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