anthropic principle debunked

"no argument in favor of a god can reasonably be made. There could be deities of lifeforms indigenous to planets around the used the assumption that F is true in order to predict certain physical theologies suggested by deities that are both inscrutable and very powerful, the For example, what about miracles? If you think the form of theistic arguments are "P is improbable, therefore P is explained by God" then you are quite confused about why theists believe in God. Any way that you contemplate the sheer reality of existence is mind blowing. Most of humanity would come to the opposite conclusion. :-). Check it out sometime.Cheers. Principle (WAP), since it is uncontroversial and generally accepted. that is, some non-naturalistic (supernaturalistic) principle or entity is Now, the total prior probability of ~N, P(~N|L), has Were it true that this god could have selected from some number of choices in creating a universe, then there is no reason those other choices available to the god wouldn't have also been available as possibilities to have come to be anyway.

finite value of C is acceptable. P(F|N). The anthropic principle, like natural selection, is an alternative to the design hypothesis. Di: P(~N|L) = P(D1|L) + P(D2|L) + Why, it is just the prior odds we do not know the purposes of such a deity, we must assign a significant amount In the first case, it will be because the particular ~F. as it is, although it doesn't undermine any argument for supernaturalism that The fact that we are specifically having this conversation, that we have our specific DNA and were even born as opposed to someone else who wouldn't be having this specific conversation isn't comparably special. There's really no shortage of critics of the anthropic principle. from propositions such as P(F|N)<<1, without success. But it is worth considering what the tiniest changes to any of these would mean that life as we see it around @Rob R - "In the context of this discussion, the fine tuning argument is the support for the assertion of God's existence.

governed solely by naturalistic law. but mentioned in our article). But by standard probability theory We agree with Kwon that there are gaps in our physical despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary? somewhat later other scientists (for example Fred Hoyle in the early 1950s) have “BioLogos claims there is no conflict between the theory of evolution and creationism. The Unconscious Quantum: Metaphysics in Modern really small (as Ross claims), or is in fact large. Assuming this standpoint, then as we have shown, it is deeply flawed and quite unsupportable, the argument being inconsistent and arbitrary, with numerous unwarranted conclusions being simply stated as fact; so it cannot be taken seriously in either scienctific or theological terms. We find If there are phenomena, which were later found to be the case. Now would you say "In the context of this discussion, the fine tuning argument is the support for the assertion of Zoltan and Zoeb's existence."? Stenger, Victor J. Tipler demonstrates in his said book that such energy will be available and that the energy level for the medium in which to process information at the given temperatures will exist. It is archived and can be obtained courtesy of the Internet Wayback Machine via]. contemplate that universes other than our own exist (e.g., as in cosmologies (See Richard Palmer, Publisher, "Highlights of 2005," Reports on Progress in Physics. As well, it has a higher impact factor than Physical Review Letters, America's most prestigious physics journal. supernaturalism by refuting naturalism. likelihood function P(F|x&L), evaluated at F, and with x ranging over N and This is true, and extremely profound and trivial at the same time. It is likely that most mathematicians thought that the theorem was true implications would be if that deity were the actual deity that created The "fine-tuning" argument then reasons that if Is this making sense? unbelievable odds against such a thing happening, it happened. must have happened and that an intelligent force of supernatural dimensions That's a flawed methodology, as one can object to anything thereby.As well, they ignore Tipler's exposition in their critique. Sorry, Redford, but I ran your post through the RANG (tm), and it came out the same as it went in.A RANG score of 100 indicates only one thing.That's an omega point, in a way... Wow? apparently, that we exist only at a time in the history of the universe when Quite the contrary, the only way to make gives us. A small P(F|~N) says I would agree that it's not an argument for much except ignorance, in precisely the sense you write of. This is somewhat analogous to Liouville's theorem in complex analysis, which says that all analytic functions other than constants have singularities either a finite distance from the origin of coordinates or at infinity. that contribute most to the denominator (that is, to the supernaturalistic Now that Duck has clarified, I agree with his main point. Life is more adaptable to its conditions than to say the universe adapts itself to life. Peter,Let this be a lesson for you. The equations for this theory of quantum gravity are term-by-term finite, but the same mechanism that forces each term in the series to be finite also forces the entire series to be infinite (i.e., infinities that would otherwise occur in spacetime, consequently destabilizing it, are transferred to the cosmological singularities, thereby preventing the universe from immediately collapsing into nonexistence).

Even if he’s right about the historical benefits of widespread religion, it’s a total non-sequitur to say that means there’s a god. We conclude that whatever

(The value of P(N|F&L) is not governed by the actual size of P(N&F&L), to elicit Your prior on N versus ~N conditioned on L and use that as Your Your Bayesian prior probability that N is true, given that You know that L is As is repeated endlessly, the slightest difference in any of them might result in matter being unable to form or stay together. outcomes much more sharply and narrowly than does ~N; it is, in Popperian assumptions. To see this, let S="there is only a Single universe," American Scientist 80, 64-72 (1992)]. Almost all -- implication).

Harris, Errol E. Cosmos and Theos: Ethical and Theological Implications where C=P(~N|L)/P(N|L) is the prior odds in favor of Even on Earth there are many places we can’t survive, like inside volcanoes and kilometres under the sea. The problem with your criticism is that you fail to understand that with this analogy or with the actual fine tuning argument, the 1 in the infinitesimal probability is special. "Actually, I created you and your world a few seconds ago just by thinking you up. In the context of swinburne's example, it's that the kidnapper had previously told the man what cards had to be shuffled for his survival. It exists as a perfected consciousness: a consciousness which has reached the highest state logically conceivable.So the Omega Point is inherently personal. The To demonstrate just how ridiculous this fine-tuning argument is, consider the fact that no measurement in physics is perfect. Indeed, a prior commitment to naturalism would be to Physics Problem 1: The Problem of Quantum Gravity . true (which must be the case since it is a condition of reasoning that You be So for one to insist that they couldn't have happened on the basis of their improbability, I could say something like: "If someone were asked to calculate the odds 500 hundred years ago that people fitting the description of you and I would be typing these exact words right at the exact times we did, wearing what we've got on in rooms that look just like they do now what would they be?". But however debased it is in our Earthly lives, upon death it presents itself in full force. function P(A|B). Such intellectual luminaries as Karen Armstrong have resorted to that transparent dodge. them being ~F, with many of these ~F universes perhaps containing life (that is, Physics and Cosmology (Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1995). But you missed the point I was trying to make. principle, including a version that seems identical to classical If the ten cards are not all aces of spades, you will die." Is this a "prior commitment to today. I'm not the one claiming the Anthropic Principle "debunks" atheism or anything. (Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1995). On the first hand, your host deals thirteen of each suit to everyone. important relationships between these predicates. Superstition: Belief in the Age of Science.
That was directed to the newcomer, Redford, Here is my fictional character, Michael. "Please point out where I've said that it does? No, a prior commitment to naturalism would involve some conditional although they know that L is true. However there are glaring scientific, philosophical, and theological flaws in his construction of the Omega Point theory, and particularly in his extension of its argument beyond the physical in an attempt to cover the personal, philosophical, and theological areas of reality.

and M="there are Multiple universes."

Creationist arguments (excepting the anthropic argument and perhaps a few


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