darth chef

Parker and Stone originally planned to have Chef sing a song in every single episode but abandoned the idea after finding it too challenging and fearing writing too many songs would make them less funny, similar to their rationale for dispensing with Kenny's episodic deaths.[23]. They are also seen in a crowd during "Red Sleigh Down". Cartman tells Butters to come get him in three weeks. Chef’s last name suggests he could be at least partially of some Celtic descent, and indeed his parents live in Edinburgh, Scotland. Chef himself is not directly referenced in the episode though, and Randy quits at the end, meaning it is likely Mr. Derp or another staff member took on the role again. The fate of Chef was revealed in the Season 10 premiere, in which voice clips taken from previous episodes were linked together to form new dialogue to support the plot of "The Return of Chef". He was based on such 1970s African American singers as Isaac Hayes and Barry White. Cartman enlists Butters to help him freeze himself until the Nintendo Wii comes out. While he is in Chef's place in the crowd of waving townspeople beginning right after "The Return of Chef", the clip of him waving is inserted into the opening beginning in "Make Love, Not Warcraft". These songs were original compositions written by Parker, and performed by Hayes in the same sexually suggestive R&B style he had utilized during his own music career. Jerome McElroy, commonly referred to as Chef, was a recurring character in South Park. Until Token Black and his family were given a more notable role starting in the show's fourth season, Chef was portrayed as the only black resident in all of South Park. Darth Chef's voice was provided by Peter Serafinowicz, who voiced Darth Maul in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. For example, he opposes the rampant prescription of Ritalin in the episode "Timmy 2000",[9] and he objects to the town's acceptance of Mr. Garrison committing purposefully flamboyant sadomasochistic acts in front of schoolchildren in "The Death Camp of Tolerance". The torch-wielding audience from Oprah's show corners Towelie and is about to do him in when a gun is produced from Oprah's Minge. Chef's dialogue is, much like in Chef's return, comprised of stock audio (both from Isaac Hayes and various speeches from Adolf Hitler).

Chef is brought back to life by Clyde thanks to toxic waste made by aliens as a zombie Nazi as a boss fight, at points Chef will try biting the new kid, only for him to literally knock some sense into him, unfortunately Clyde shoots the toxic waste from a water gun at chef, causing the zombie Nazi personality to take over. Due to the boys later becoming less dependent on Chef for answers to their problems and Isaac Hayes' deteriorating health, Chef became much less prominent as the show went on, only having a single speaking role in Season 9, and eventually being written out entirely following Hayes' departure over the Scientology controversy. It is, however, mentioned on South Park Studios. Despite the content of the official press release, however, there remains considerable speculation about the motivations behind his departure.


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