eilistraee drizzt

[4][82] Svartalfheim was an underground realm of tunnels heated by hot springs, characterized by precious or semiprecious minerals and subterranean forests that only needed heat to live. The Silverhair knights have a wide array of tools dedicated to such purpose. Noble as in altruistic, not noble as of high birth. [4] Finally, the Dark Maiden was, among the other things, a goddess of beauty; as such, she was known for her efforts to nurture and spread enthusiasm for arts—especially music and dance—and for blessing artists and bards with bursts of creativity and inspiration.[4]. Two of the most popular Eilistraee followers in the Forgotten Realms novels are Liriel Baenre and Qilué of The Seven Sisters. "[34], War of the Spider Queen and Lady Penitent, After the 1489 DR, Eilistraee no longer holds this last title, which she earned when she took over her brother, Other in-world rules could point to Eilistraee's survival. He was the son of Vhaeraun and Zandilar the Dancer (who would later become one with Bast, forming Sharess), but had spurned both his parents and walked alone for centuries, neither good nor evil.

A Last War Novel. During that time, many deities of Toril who were considered dead or lost managed to return to life,[26] the Dark Maiden being among them. Mithral, Moonstone, Silver [1][15][4][21][25], After very nearly slaying her own father with a misplaced arrow, Eilistraee swore never to use ranged weaponry again, lest her missile go astray. Rare is the individual—dark elf or not—who appreciates that Eilistraee is forging her own path, one that welcomes beings of all races who revel in life and the free form expression of all that entails. Most non-elves can not comprehend the existence a good drow deity, while surface elves are uncomfortable considering it, finding Eilistraee a threat to their doctrine that the dark elves were wholly to blame for the Crown Wars and other ancient tragedies. Neither was she a moon goddess, only one found under the moon as drow stole onto the surface at night. Within its borders, the night was perpetual, with the moon ever-shining in the deep blue sky.

Light, Nature, Life
When there are no enemies about, worshipers interpret the sound of the horn to mean there is someone close by they need to aid.

[29], As the Dark Maiden's teachings require, the clerics of Eilistraee actively work to promote harmony between drow and other races, so that their people can be accepted and live in peace in their rightful place on the surface. [/quote:13cas3ur], [quote="Kris":3tqiar4t]now that we have mmos like GW2 on the market.[/quote:3tqiar4t]. She fought so that all races could live peacefully together, helping and accepting each other despite their differences,[4] and strongly believed in the possibility of redemption for those who had fallen to evil, especially the drow.

On the contrary, she and her followers became hunted by the Masked Lord and the Ilythiiri,[21] and the conflict allowed Ghaunadaur to rise and gain influence over the dark elves, posing an even greater threat than Vhaeraun. This, in microcosm, is the drow way. She could be a protectress of her people and a terrific sword dancer, but she was intended to be a bard, not a huntress herself, only encouraging these skills in her followers, in order to help them survive on the surface. The future hangs in the balance. Perfect World Entertainment is about to start selling "Founder Packs" for their upcoming MMO Neverwinter (as [url=.

You're listening to a sample of the Audible audio edition. [1] Eilistraeeans perform missions underground, looking for those dark elves who are in need of their help and that can be brought on the surface (mostly slaves, commoners, fallen and hunted nobles or drow who are generally unsatisfied with the life that Lolth imposes them), bringing them the Message of Eilistraee. [4] Nonetheless, their conflict eventually escalated in 1375 DR, when Vhaeraun's plan to assassinate his sister backfired, and she temporarily took his portfolio.
The Dark Maiden sang her call to all dark elves—from the highest matron mother to the lowest male slave—sending them dreams or visions, showing them a different, better life, and the beauty of the world (especially when they were close to the surface).

For example, she could subtly lead a drow braving the surface to a community of her followers to find a sense of belonging, support, or even a home. The goddess took the title of Dark Maiden once again, as her brother too had returned and taken back his portfolio. The Dark Maiden's home plane is the Demonweb Pits, along with the rest of the drow pantheon, which was originally located in the 66th layer of the Abyss; however, following the events of The War of the Spider Queen, the Demonweb Pits are no longer part of the Abyss, but a separate plane in its own right. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. After this event, Lolth's and Ghaunadaur's persecution of worshipers of rival deities further marginalized the influence of the Lady of the Dance for millennia. The Crescent Blade was left broken, lying in the Demonweb Pits.[22][23][24]. This lightless, magic-suffused realm of supernatural beauty and horror is the home of the drow and countless other frightful beings. [1], Bring happiness and merriment everywhere you go, lifting people's hearts with kindness, gaiety, songs, jests, and revelry. She also manifests when one of her priests leads a new convert to her faith in prayer, which is itself an offering to Eilistraee. Either way, it was certain that after the event, Eilistraee was changed: she held both her brother's and her own portfolios, she gained the title of "Masked Lady", and caused her followers and Vhaeraun's to cooperate, albeit uneasily. A concept further reinforced by Ed Greenwood's explanation of how Mystra worked to help Eilistraee during the War of the Spider Queen crisis. [21], Eilistraee eventually managed to gain some followers in Ilythiir,[4] but her strength wasn't enough for her to prevail. [1], The Evensong is an intimate ritual that all followers of Eilistraee perform at the end of their day. [4], Eilistraean communities were often of matriarchal nature.

Complete with panther companion (and spider mount for some reason).

So, in the present times of the Forgotten Realms, Eilistraee teaches and shows to the drow kindness and love, the joy and freedom of life that were taken away from them, calling them to her and singing to their hearts. [16], In the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, Eilistraee is the patroness and protectress of those rare dark elves who yearn for a return to life on the surface Realms, at peace with other races, and to abandon the endless conflicts and intrigues that dominate the lives of most drow in the Lolth-dominated underground society.

Then came RA Salvatore and his incredibly popular character Drizzt Do’Urden, the first drow in the Forgotten Realms to throw off the mantle of evil forced on the drow and attempt to redeem himself and his heritage. [18][note 3], On the same date, Cavatina Xarann, a priestess and Darksong Knight of Eilistraee, killed the demigod Selvetarm (with the help of the Lady Penitent) using the Crescent Blade.


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