pretexting social engineering

Don't click on links in email, instead navigate to a trusted webpage.

', There's one more technique to discuss that is often lumped under the category of pretexting: tailgating. "grm": googletag.pubads().getTargeting('grm'),

Information Security Office "offset": [30,60,90][i],
if ($("#drr-container").length > 0) { "country" : "ea76d652-29bd-4a6c-ae50-a5d08ea28c5e", } Using information gleaned from public sources and social media profiles, they can convince accounts payable personnel at the target company to change the bank account information for vendors in their files, and manage to snag quite a bit of cash before anyone realizes.

left: 0px; } "pos": "bottom_right", primaryCatList.split(',') : []), } An attacker might take on a character we'd expect to meet in that scenario: a friendly and helpful customer service rep, for instance, reaching out to us to help fix the error and make sure the payment goes through before our account goes into arrears.


'purchaseIntent':'awareness', "mute": true, var sincePublished = '125 days'; The distinguishing feature of this kind of attack is that the scam artists comes up with a story — or pretext — in order to fool the victim.

var catIdList = '2206,3305,3518'; Sales, public speaking, so-called fortune tellers, NLP experts and even doctors, lawyers, therapists and the like all have to use a form of pretexting. var userData = {}; (As noted, if your company is an American financial institution, these kinds of trainings are required by law.) 'blogName':'', }); }); },

Pretexting is form of social engineering in which an attacker tries to convince a victim to give up valuable information or access to a service or system. return dataLayer[0][property]; '//'+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); } }); var insiderSignedIn = document.cookie.indexOf("nsdr") > -1; //check if Insider cookie exists window.ntvConfig.keyValues.permutive = JSON.parse(segs).join(","); Pretexting is also used in other areas of life other than social engineering. "playlist": "", "adscheduleid": "LxK3nuOJ", window.permutive.track('User', { If a company you do business with is requesting information, inform them that in order to protect yourself against identity theft, you will need to reinitiate contact with the company through a trusted channel.

window.ntvConfig = window.ntvConfig || {} ; //console.log("GDPR: floating video player - consented"); var adBlockStatus = 'false'; Pretexting is also a key part of vishing — a term that's a portmanteau of "voice" and "phishing" and is, in essence, phishing over the phone. Pretexting is a form of social engineering where a criminal creates a fictional backstory that is used to manipulate someone into providing private information or to influence behavior. GLBA-regulated institutions are also required to put standards in place to educate their own staff to recognize pretexting attempts. title: stringFromDataLayer('articleTitle'), "advertising": {} On a personal level, it's important to be particularly wary whenever anyone who has initiated contact with you begins asking for personal information.

stringFromDataLayer('primaryCategoryList').split(",").concat(stringFromDataLayer('primaryAncestorCategoryList').split(",")) : stringFromDataLayer('primaryCategoryList').split(",") z-index: 999999; adBlockStatus = 'true';

Any security awareness training at the corporate level should include information on pretexting scams.


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