rate vs concentration graph

>> /P 467 0 R
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<< endobj >> /K [ 6 ] /Type /StructElem endobj >> A change in temperature of a substance would affect both rates in the same direction (either both increase or both decrease). endobj /Type /StructElem endobj /Type /StructElem /K [ 5 ] formed against time.

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/K 26 /Macrosheet /Part Both rates are affected in the same way (increased) therefore the stress must be a catalyst or a change in temperature. ���P��"0�B�=�Œ�8�Y��a��˹��P@Ԟ�|�i�b.��#���S �C3Cw�u�����x_l��4��Q%q(��f(�thYN��]�ڊ�p��6�o��@��ꤗM!nz���Y�*~"c��^�qIH�\%~�;��q�QLާ�(��qc�3y����̆��$LJ�>g/�� ��)������W�:{��)��>#�'�1�bL��b�f�l�ڙ\j��uu#GM�7��m)�(���"���u^�N�_F�5�dQ���GQ��!uC�����%Xr�]9��b�ד`�.k��)���ЛiE�\�c /S /P 704 0 R 705 0 R 706 0 R 683 0 R 699 0 R 698 0 R ] 684 0 obj /Pg 374 0 R 583 0 obj /Pg 362 0 R /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem 650 0 obj

492 0 obj >> 676 0 obj /Type /StructElem /P 467 0 R /P 467 0 R >> /P 467 0 R << endobj << The graph shows this for two reactions.
/P 467 0 R /K [ 584 0 R 585 0 R 586 0 R ]

/P 467 0 R /Type /StructElem >> << /K [ 1 ] 547 0 obj At higher concentrations, more collisions occur between reactant molecules. /Endnote /Note >> endobj endobj /Alt () >> /P 467 0 R /Type /StructElem

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/Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem 626 0 obj << endobj /Type /StructElem For the reaction \(2\text{AB}(\text{g})\) \(\rightleftharpoons\) \(2\text{A}(\text{g}) + \text{B}_{2}(\text{g})\), \(\Delta\)H = \(\text{26}\) \(\text{kJ}\). endobj As before, we see that these rates are directly proportional to [N2O5]. endobj << The greater the frequency of successful collisions between reactant particles, the greater the reaction rate. /S /P 609 0 obj >> /Type /StructElem >> /P 467 0 R /S /P The graph shows this for two reactions. /K [ 30 ] /Pg 152 0 R /P 467 0 R 687 0 obj /Type /StructElem 629 0 obj If the concentration of a reacting solution or the pressure of a reacting gas is increased: Note that the mean energy of the particles does not change. endobj >> /P 608 0 R /K [ 27 ] /P 467 0 R /P 467 0 R /Pg 374 0 R >> /P 467 0 R This will often be smaller than the experimental error in determining the rates, so it can be neglected. %PDF-1.5 508 0 obj Assume we have a reaction 2A → 3B. /K [ 15 ] /S /P /Pg 3 0 R >> /Pg 374 0 R /Parent 2 0 R << We're sorry, but in order to log in and use all the features of this website, you will need to enable JavaScript in your browser. /Pg 311 0 R endobj << 701 0 obj

/K [ 28 ] >>

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/S /P endobj 566 0 R 567 0 R 568 0 R 569 0 R 570 0 R 571 0 R 572 0 R 573 0 R 574 0 R 575 0 R 576 0 R /Type /StructElem This is because, given enough time, even a slow reaction will have a large number of collisions. 506 0 obj Does it occur more rapidly at 273 K or 293 K? << /K [ 16 ] /S /P << /P 467 0 R /K [ 4 ] /Type /StructElem

/P 467 0 R Read about our approach to external linking. /Pg 152 0 R

>> /K [ 36 ] >>

/Type /StructElem This will have the same effect as a change in concentration, although the increase or decrease would be more gradual. /Pg 362 0 R or volume. /Pg 362 0 R endobj /Type /StructElem endobj 485 0 obj /Type /StructElem >> /K [ 9 ] endobj endobj When you came to plotting a rate against concentration graph, as we looked at further up the page, you would plot 1/t as a measure of the rate, and volume of sodium thiosulphate solution as a measure of concentration. /S /P /S /Span /Type /StructElem /P 464 0 R 620 0 obj 625 0 obj <<

>> 577 0 R 579 0 R 580 0 R 583 0 R 587 0 R 593 0 R 594 0 R 595 0 R 596 0 R 597 0 R 598 0 R

/K [ 28 ] /Pg 362 0 R /P 467 0 R >> /Pg 374 0 R /Pg 369 0 R 633 0 obj • Use a scale such that the points on the graph cover as much of the page as possible. << /Pg 369 0 R endobj Adopted or used LibreTexts for your course? /Pg 68 0 R /Type /StructElem /Type /StructElem endobj /P 467 0 R 551 0 obj /K 11 655 0 obj endobj /Type /StructElem

/S /P 645 0 obj A snappy video looking into those rate graphs including concentration-time and rate-concentration graphs.


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