royal rumble 2015

Not even The Most Electrifying Man in Entertainment could save this trainwreck. I can hear Vince’s conversation : “Bring by that girl and tell her to bring the cat ears”!

Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Impact Wrestling on Destination America (January 23) Review, Dragon Gate – Glorious Gate (March 2) Review, “The Curious Case of Claudio Castagnoli.”, Insane Championship Wrestling Long Before Wesley Snipes (July 25) Review. Despite fancy new shorts, silence for the Usos. Cole, Lawler and JBL have spent most of the match pushing the Network. Verified reviews are considered more trustworthy by fellow moviegoers. Here at VoW I write wrestling opinion pieces, narratives, and other such high minded debauchery. This was the absolute worst Royal Rumble match I have ever seen in my life. Then it was a stream of “Is that the Ass Man? **** ½, Michael McDonald: Wow…this turned into a super fun match. Please click the link below to receive your verification email. This match sucked and ruined all of the goodwill and optimism built up from an INCREDIBLE title match just before it.

They tell stories, dammit! We’re still better than the Pro Bowl. Miz gets crotched on the top rope so Mizdow does the same. Your Ticket Confirmation # is located under the header in your email that reads "Your Ticket Reservation Details". The Miz is the #1 entrant in the Rumble match and R-Truth is #2, so he did his rap on the way to the ring. Six-Man Elimination Match Is there anyone who cares about this? I do sports reporting on Philadelphia sports teams by day and watch lots of wrestling at night. They won't be able to see your review if you only submit your rating. It is an “Ole” chant that JBL says is for Paige. *1/4. The latest rumors, including talk of what was pitched for the Money in the Bank briefcase, a tag team finally breaking up, and more! The Miz and Mizdow gimmick is really one of those things that I just don’t get. Alex Wendland: Prior to this match we were treated to a cringe worthy sketch/advertisement for WWE Immortals featuring J&J Security. Cinemark It was one of the best triple threat matches of all time. Kofi Kingston & Big E

Seth played his role to perfection, all three did. Yes I have two names – its a long story. ** ½, Warren Taylor: Mizdow is good for a chuckle and the Usos have perfected the art of the slightly above average tag match. Royal Rumble Kickoff Match - the New Day vs. Cesaro & Tyson Kidd. Matthew Stewart: Ugh. That’s how bad this was. It’s not just a matter of what you do when the whole crowd is behind you, but what you can do when there is adversity. The Miz & Damien Mizdow | The Ascension def. And the pops Mizdow receives are “Zack Ryder Pops”. Combine that with Lesnar who is a heat-seeking missile, and Cena who, for all his shortcomings, generally can rise to a level of greatness when its presented to him, and there were lofty expectations for this match. We won’t be able to verify your ticket today, but it’s great to know for the future. They know what you want before you do. In steed of my review, check out my first column for Voices of Wrestling, “The Curious Case of Claudio Castagnoli.”, Matthew Stewart: I hate the New Day and I hate Vince McMahon’s horrible ideas.

The right amount of near  falls, big moves and a perfectly paced build in my opinion. Bad move Philly. 1 spot goes to the Miz, R-Truth is No. Then…just when you figured this was a Rollins win ( after Rollins hits a Phoenix Splash ) Brock no-sells, blasts into the ring and destroys Rollins. The last one was great, but I hope Stone Cold has some NXT conversations lined up.

***. They don’t care if you like it. Blu-ray Currently unavailable. While slightly overbooked here and there — and I can still go without the Noble/Mercury interference nonsense — this was about as well booked a Triple Threat match as you can put together. The percentage of Approved Tomatometer Critics who have given this movie a positive review. Everything.

Royal Rumble (2015) was a professional wrestling pay-per-view (PPV) event produced by WWE.It took place on January 25, 2015 at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

I hope some day to write and teach about many very, very cool pop culture things like how the 1989 Royal Rumble was really bad. The Best And Worst of WWE Royal Rumble 2015, featuring a triple threat for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and a Semolian. *** ¼, Michael McDonald: Joe Lanza’s “cat girl Rosebud” is back ( along with most of the ROH ladies). Prestigious stuff. And a commercial spot in the middle of the match? Not anymore. Billy Gunn looks like he can still go, but if you’ve been watching him for the past 20 years, you know that isn’t the case. Your AMC Ticket Confirmation# can be found in your order confirmation email. Right when Rollins finally had Cena down and after he broke out the PHOENIX SPLASH… the beast rose from the abyss. Oh wait!! ****½, Matthew Stewart: Taking away nothing from the returning Daniel Bryan, in my opinion Seth Rollins is the best in-ring performer in the WWE right now. The Usos (c) def. January 25, 2015. Cena didn’t do too bad, but this match was really built on the phenomenal work of Rollins and Lesnar. The Diva’s division could have used a solid Diva’s title match in this spot instead though. But still, rarified air. The show is live tonight, January 25, 2015, from Philadelphia and we’ve got you covered. The unpredictability of anything with Lesnar combined with a fresh face like Rollins has been a revelation. I have never liked the Rock and never will, but even HE had to realize something was wrong here when he was holding Reigns arm up and the crowd is booing him louder than the “Die, Rocky, Die!” days. The Usos get the win with a series of splashes. Damon McDonald: @McDonaldMichael on the Twitter. The Usos entrance makes me want to eat a bullet.

Now that the Bellas win, let’s hope its Bryan/Brie. It is Divas time! He survived everything John Cena threw at him. Miz hit a boot to the face. Coming Soon. I don’t know if they foresaw this happening, but it is what it is. Rollins vs Brock would rule and Rollins vs Cena would rule. I love the idea of a “Demolition/L.O.D.” throwback tag team, but I’d rather the WWE make a trade of these two guys to CHIKARA for the Devastation Corporation. Just leave us a message here and we will work on getting you verified. WWE Royal Rumble January 25, 2015 Wells Fargo Center – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Oh boy… Before we begin, this roundtable has a few new contributors to the VOW universe (that’s a joke, don’t worry). WWE World Heavyweight Championship and to receive email from Rotten Tomatoes and Fandango. Rumor Roundup: Money in the Bank briefcase, tag team breakup, WWE Draft, more! Dragongate Gate of Victory (October 7) Results & Review, NJPW G1 Climax 30 – Night Eleven (October 7th) Preview, Statistics, and Notes, NJPW G1 Climax 30: Night 10 (October 6) Results & Review, NJPW G1 Climax 30 – Night Ten (October 6th) Preview, Statistics, and Notes, NJPW G1 Climax 30: Night 9 (October 5) Results & Review. For the deflating way this was booked and excepting the solid work from guys and good surprise appearances, I’m conflicted.


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