best of my love eagles cover

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Souther and Eagles released it on the album On the Border in 1974. Furthermore, the maître d’ of Dan Tana, Guido, was thanked in the liner notes of the album. Souther I have always enjoyed The Eagles since my father introduced them to me when I was a kid This one is a keeper, though. I like the Eagles, but I'm not about to buy all or most of their records. Best of Love was recorded by the duo in the Eagles‘ tribute album Common Thread: The Songs of the Eagles. Great songwriting, exceptional vocals and music. Amazonレビュー このCD2枚組(限定仕様盤にはDVDも付く)は、すでに定盤となっている『Eagles - Their Greatest Hits 1971-1975』と『The Eagles Greatest Hits, Vol. is a song written by Don Henley, Glenn Frey, and J. D. Souther. Includes Take It Easy; Witchy Woman; Peaceful Easy Feeling; Desperado; Already Gone; James Dean; The Best of My Love; Lyin' Eyes; One of These Nights; Take It to the Limit; Hotel California; Life in the Fast Lane , and more. I upload all my CD's to Flac files and use JRiver to manage. One of the best covers of Brooks & Dunn, Best of My Love of the Eagles was taken to a different level, a ‘countrier’ version by the duo. Souther said of the writing of Best of My Love, “Glenn found the tune; the tune I think came from a Fred Neil record… We were working on that album (On the Border) and came to London. instrumental.

Furthermore, Billboard ranked it as the number 12 song for 1975. Eagles originally released Best of My Love written by Glenn Frey, Don Henley and J.D.

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