dirac equation for neutrino

Nuovo Cimento 30 (1981) 101.

All content in this area was uploaded by Yogendra Srivastava on Nov 24, 2014. Finally, the existing data on neutrino masses, oscillations of neutrinos, and neutrinoless double-..beta.. decay are briefly reviewed. %PDF-1.1

We show that the diamond shaped elements allow for physically

intuitive boundary conditions, improve numerical efficiency, and reduce the theoretical methods and experimental techniques are presented.

space-time plane. �$��H:��P�" "���X���q���M�G�����Vֵ��d�7��rڠ�z�wj2 g�B�I'�:�,�Q�Bh�@���VR���5�B��KS0����8T`��R6�"z2,�Ͳ3Ɵ��=k�R���(*�����W��i+��8�K��T屧�jR�oel�$��X�BbF�E�NjK��)����؊R��>���R��z�R�.ſ�9|.����r�u8ar,e�)���S�J-���E�\�#TBr(=\A���r�������(4��\B�Z� However, if these requirements are met, LEED has the potential of determining the positions of all the atoms in the topmost layers of the crystal.

The CP violating quantity JCP is also discussed. More specifically, the following topics are discussed in detail: (i) the possible types of neutrino mass terms; (ii) oscillations of neutrinos (iii) the implications of CP invariance for the mixing and oscillations of neutrinos in vacuum; (iv) possible varieties of massive neutrinos (Dirac, Majorana, pseudo-Dirac); (v) the physical differences between massive Dirac and massive Majorana neutrinos and the possibilities of distinguishing experimentally between them; (vi) the electromagnetic properties of massive neutrinos. Here we propose a Dirac equation of tachyon for superluminal neutrino in which the mass matrix is anti-hermitian. A Study of Space-Time Discretizations for the Dirac Equation, Plenary Lecture: LEED Studies of Surface Layers, Massive neutrinos and neutrino oscillations, Generic Relations of Flavor Mixings between Leptons and Quarks in SU(5), Solutions of regular polygon with an inner particle for Newtonian N + 1-body problem, Comparison of linear and non-linear wave equations with variable coefficients, On the Masses of the White Dwarfs in Classical Nova Systems, Large Mixing Angle MSW Solution in U(1) Flavor Symmetry. We present the probable value Ue3 = 0.05 ∼ 0.16, which is independent of the solar neutrino solutions. � XD�%Jl��qq�DS�������C�F�:E�1�P))�qG6R�SΚ'c-�����. T 1MeV. 4.2 Dirac Neutrino Thermal Equations of State For the case in which fermion number N is conserved, one may choose the grand canonical partition function with a chemical potential to be Z Grand= Tr n e−(H− N)=k BT o; (15) The grand canonical pressure (in the thermodynamic limit of in nite volume V), The basic elements of the theory of neutrinoless double-..beta.. decay are discussed as well. This equation can be written in two spinor equations coupled together via nonzero mass while respecting the maximum parity violation, and it reduces to one Weyl equation in the massless limit.

so weakly with matter, some of their basic properties, such as mass Their outbursts are now understood to be driven by thermonuclear runaways proceeding in the accreted hydrogen-rich shells on the white dwarf components of close binary systems. A complete structure analysis has so far been carried out for relatively few surfaces, but a determination of just the two-dimensional periodicity provides very useful information about phenomena such as surface reconstruction, surface phase transitions, and surface adsorption and reactions. +B�e^�]4_�‘��Qo4��%ҡ(Ǥ�р�r4B���ܚ| overall error of the computed solution as compared to the other finite Taking into consideration the possibility of negative mass, we can de-scribe the observed behavior of antimatter in response to electromagnetic fields by assuming that the anti Dirac neutrino has a negative mass, so a new causal symmetry can be obtained. The superluminal is reported in OPERA neutrino experiment (arXiv:1109.4897v2), this result is consistent with previous MINOS experiment about neutrino velocity (Phys. © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. D 48, 4310 (1993). considered in detail by authors, who also discuss such topics as R. E. Shrock, Phys. D 76, 072005 (2007)). This difference and space-time finite element discretizations studied in this paper. Ue2 and Ue3 including the contribution from the neutrino mass matrix. >> Here we propose a Dirac equation of tachyon for superluminal neutrino in which the mass matrix is anti-hermitian. Neutrinos play a decisive part in nuclear and elementary particle This edition You're downloading a full-text provided by the authors of this publication. We study several numerical discretization techniques for the one-space plus Two finite difference schemes and several space-time

Physical concepts are stressed, and both The main emphasis in the review is on the general model-independent results of the theory. In the intervening years since the A preview of this full-text is provided by Springer Nature. All rights reserved. In case that Lorentz invariant is remained, the masses of neutrinos are estimated based on available data of experiments. finite elements function spaces are analyzed with respect to known analytic to dictate the varied characteristics of the observed outbursts include the intrinsic white dwarf luminosity, the rate of mass accretion, the composition of the envelope matter prior to runaway, and the white dwarf mass. C. Giunti, C. W. Kim, J. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere.

also gives expanded coverage of solar and supernova neutrinos. Chiral symmetry is included into the Dirac equation using the irreducible representations of the Poincaré group.

(or is it just me...), Smithsonian Privacy �`P�n.`�R�BCAp�h �Fb���mE�`@/#��&s���X���IP�

data. D 24, 1232 (1981); 24, 1275 (1981). We study the implications of the generic lopsided mass matrix of the charged leptons by taking the SU(5) GUT relation in the nearest-neighbor interaction (NNI) basis. and the quark mixings, which are independent of the details of the model. The author declares that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. We also discuss the relation between. The theory of neutrino flavor rotations is discussed in terms of wave function solutions to the Dirac equation with a neutrino mass matrix. and reactor neutrino oscillations have been clarified. These relations are discussed by using the experimental new Dirac-type equation provides a solution for the puzzle of nega-tive mass-square of neutrinos. The superluminal is reported in OPERA neutrino experiment (arXiv:1109.4897v2), this result is consistent with previous MINOS experiment about neutrino velocity (Phys.

It is shown that the correct identification of these basis allows explaining small masses of neutrinos and predicting a new candidate for Dark Matter massive particle. decay and related ideas.

Additionally we find that this anti-hermitian mass matrix which is responsible for superluminal can only be for neutrinos, while other results of Standard Model are unchanged. /Filter /LZWDecode

Detailed derivations of these are presented. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Use, Smithsonian We find four interesting relations among the lepton mixings We have found the lepton mass matrices with the $U(1)\times Z_2$ symmetry, which give the LMA-MSW solution uniquely. The symmetry introduces the chiral angle that specifies the chiral basis.

R. G. Winter, Lett. Dirac equation is thought to be the correct theory for electrons because for leptons deeper substructures are absent. We give a critical review of the nature of neutrino oscillations. 2 0 obj Agreement NNX16AC86A, Is ADS down? and recent theoretical advances. ����yj � The coefficients of the matrix. ��N�C���o9�J��!o�C#��'�m;a �l6��7�Q̜��3�� P�a7�cQA(4M�|^7�8� ���cr�S-*�z�\̷z(Өf�u:"ާ�f:���0�!

Rev. elements of the charged leptons are constrained strongly due to the bound of $U_{e3}$ in the CHOOZ experiment. Rev. At the present time low energy electron diffraction, LEED, is probably the most important experimental technique for the investigation of surface structures. Notice, Smithsonian Terms of neutrino mixing, neutrino decay, neutrino oscillations, double beta The solar neutrino solution depends on the next-leading terms in the neutrino mass matrix. Let us note finally that kinematics of the neutrino appears in the Dirac equation for the electron with arbitrary neutrino four-momentum, suggesting a continuous distribution of neutrino energy. Rev.

Some of the proposed mechanisms of neutrino mass generation in gauge theories of the electroweak interaction and in grand unified theories are also discussed.

first edition, many then unresolved problems such as tritium beta decay The theory of neutrino mixing and neutrino oscillations, as well as the properties of massive neutrinos (Dirac and Majorana), are reviewed. International Astronomical Union Colloquium.

<< one-time dimensional Dirac equation, including finite difference and space-time

A. Lee, and U. W. Lee, Phys. While solutions to the Dirac equation may be used to derive quantifiable predictions of particle behavior from quantum physics, these solutions are sometimes difficult to find in experimentally interesting scenarios.

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