gandhi sermon on the mount

For him, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Gandhi understood this challenge and loved the noble teaching of Jesus to love your enemy (ahimsa) in the Sermon. "12 Gandhi quotes those wonderful lines of this stanza in his autobiography. Gandhi's philosophy of Satydgraha has been influenced by the Sermon on the Mount, as the concept of Satydgraha appeared to become a non­violent path for truth in line with the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount.34 Jesus and his teachings were thus an important source in deriving Gandhi's philosophy of Satydgraha. … For example, many theologians contended that the Sermon on the Mount does not apply to mundane things and ordinary people, and that it was only meant for the twelve disciples. This meant non-violence, non-retaliation and non-resistance to the evil and doing further good to the evil ones. Jesus overcame evil with good, hatred by love. Hence, in modern times, it was Gandhi who unearthed the Sermon and showed its practical relevance in relation to the world affairs such as conflict-resolution and peace building. Bless those who curse you, and pray for those who treat you badly.

[That] Sermon on the Mount contained yamas (cardinal spiritual exercises) and that the Lord's Prayer contains everything that the few letters of the Gayatri Mantra mean. © Oxford University Press, 2018. However, he read it just for the sake of reading it as he says: "I could not...take much interest in the Old Testament, which I had certainly read, if only to fulfil a promise I had made to a friend whom I happened to meet in a hotel. I shall tell you how, to an outsider like me, the story of Christ, as told in the New Testament, has struck. He gave Gandhi the first copy of the Bible; that might have happened probably in the year 1888. Even so, Ghandi claimed that there was one part of the teachings of Jesus in particular that he found especially compelling: the Sermon on the Mount. However, Gandhi differed with the traditional interpretation given to the Sermon by the western Christianity.

In fact, Gandhi expected such a greatly transformed mature life from Christians.

In fact, Gandhi learned from this poem that, the real beauty consists in doing good against evil. Gandhi's Interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount, Linguistic and Cultural Influences on Interpretation in Translations of the Bible, Memory, Imagination, and the Interpretation of Scripture in the Middle Ages, The Origins, Scope, and Spread of the Millenarian Idea, Non‐retaliation and Military Force: Their Basis in the Bible, George Friedric Handel and The Messiah, Elizabeth Cady Stanton's The Woman's Bible, One Bible, Two Preachers: Patchwork Sermons and Sacred Art in the American South, From John's Gospel to Dan Brown: The Magdalene Code, Samuel Wilberforce, Thomas Huxley, and Genesis, Sodomy and Gendered Love: Reading Genesis 19 in the Anglican Communion, Exodus in Early Twentieth‐Century America: Charles Reynolds Brown and Lawrence Langner, Elihu's Spiritual Sensation: William Blake's Illustrations of the Book of Job, Post‐Holocaust Jewish Interpretations of Job, Seventh‐day Adventists, Daniel, and Revelation, Esther and Hitler: A Second Triumphant Purim, Kierkegaard on the Lilies and the Birds: Matthew 6, Preaching, Politics, and Paul in Contemporary African‐American Christianity, Ruskin, the Bible, and the Death of Rose La Touche: A ‘torn manuscript of the human soul’, Augustine and Pelagius on the Epistle to the Romans, Joanna Southcott: Enacting the Woman Clothed with the Sun.

Jeremy Holtom is an independent scholar and Teacher of Religious Studies at Dorothy Stringer High School, Brighton. For he says: "It is that Sermon which has endeared Jesus to me.
Gandhi therefore very much emphasized Jesus' teaching in Matt.

"59 However, he observed that to live their lives in strict accordance with the Sermon on the Mount, there is much to give up and much to remodel immediately.60 Thus, in order to drink deep of the fountains in the Sermon on the Mount, they have to take sack-cloth and ashes.61 Nevertheless, if the Christians of Europe could translate their lives to the simplicity of the message of Jesus, it would give Gandhi such a greater pleasure, as he was looking forward for such an ideal life from Christians, which is encoded in the Sermon.62 He was able to see the Indian tradition of ahimsa present in the teachings of Jesus in the Sermon and found a meeting ground, between the Sermon and the Gita.
Indeed, the Sermon endeared Jesus to Gandhi— he greatly appreciated the spiritual and ethical ideals presented, seeing virtually no difference between Hindu and Christian tenets as regards this teaching.

"6 Probably, the presence of frequent wars and bloodshed in the pages of the Old Testament and its justification of the thought of vengeance and retaliation might have brought such a strong dislike for the Old Testament in the mind of Gandhi. For example he says: "I have a Christian friend telling me that the Gita shows him how to live the New Testament, and that many passages in the latter which used to be dark were intelligible to him through a study of the Gita.

"21 And "The Sermon on the Mount left a deep impression on my mind when I read it. This teaching was non-retaliation, or non-resistance to evil.

"50 Rather for Gandhi, the Sermon on the Mount was delivered not merely to the peaceful disciples but to a groaning world.51 He thus boldly said: "The teaching of the Sermon was meant for each and every one of us.”'52 Please subscribe or login to access full text content. Gandhi's philosophy of Satydgraha has been influenced by the Sermon on the Mount, as the concept of Satydgraha appeared to become a non­violent path for truth in line with the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount.34 Jesus and his teachings were thus an important source in deriving Gandhi's philosophy of Satydgraha. Here we have a Christian scripture being reverently received and dynamically applied by a man who remained all his life a devoted adherent of the Hindu faith. SUBRAHMANYAN obtained his Ph.D. in Philosophy from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala. Ultimately, Ghandi never became a Christian, in part because of what he saw as the hypocrisy of the Christians he knew.

The Sermon on the Mount is a collection of sayings and teachings of Jesus Christ, which emphasizes his moral teaching found in the Gospel of Matthew. Gandhi promised to that man that he would read the Bible. The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most commented upon and interpreted biblical passages, yet in a real sense Gandhi's interpretation of it represents a unique and significant point in the reception history of the Bible as a whole. Pin.

About which he states: "A Gujarati didactic stanza...gripped my mind and heart. But although I am myself not a Christian, as a humble student of the Bible, who approaches it with faith and reverence, I wish respectfully to place before you the essence of the Sermon on the Mount.54 It seems that Gandhi considered many of the interpretations of the Sermon as adulterated and partial. As a Sanatani Hindu, his eclectic mind was open to assimilate the message of Jesus in the Sermon and to make it as his own. Often he read passages from the Gospels.

Today supposing I was deprived of the Gita and forgot all its contents but had a copy of the Sermon, I should derive the same joy from it as I do from the Gila.

"16 Gandhi greatly prized the spiritual and ethical ideal presented in the Sermon and held it in great esteem. Shamal Bhatt's stanza made him to feel at home with the Sermon. He led them in challenging the British regarding civil rights, and in 1942, he led national campaigns for various social causes and for achieving self-rule. He is reported to have said that “Much of what passes for Christianity today is a negation of the sermon on the Mount.” Gandhi asked, “Isn’t it is more important to do what Jesus wants us to do than to call him “Lord, Lord?”


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