eternal universe

If for every time Saturn orbits the sun, Jupiter orbits it 2.5 times, which planet has orbited the sun more times? Additionally, he said to imagine that all the rooms are occupied so that not a single room is vacant. Additionally, others have adopted the position that premise (1) is true for all things inside the universe, but it’s not necessarily true of the universe itself.

Platonic existence, as I see it, refers to the existence of an objective external standard that is not dependent upon our individual opinions nor upon our particular culture. How Old is the Universe? That cleared the way for secularists to lay out the manner that the universe was created, leaving the church to scramble in response. He then says this line of reasoning is circular because for everyone to agree that something is right requires an external standard. The early state of inflation is described in two different, but equivalent pictures. The question of the eternity of the world was a concern for both ancient philosophers and the medieval theologians and philosophers of the 13th century. We have Stephen Hawking to thank for this.

First, whatever caused the universe must come from outside the universe itself. To get around premise (2), the skeptic must maintain that the physical universe has existed for all eternity and has thus existed for an infinite number of moments.
In 529 John Philoponus wrote his critique Against Proclus in which he systematically argued against every proposition put forward for the eternity of the world. And as many have already pointed out, Krauss equivocates on the word nothing. This equation would look like this: infinity + infinity = infinity. Furthermore, later writers (which is how we know much about him and what he wrote) credit Heraclitus with teaching the eternality of the universe. The problem is that, being even earlier than Heraclitus, we know even less about what Anaximander wrote (only one fragment survives, and it doesn’t address cosmology). Is it odd that as an atheist, even I think it's messed up that churches are still closed due to the pandemic? [citation needed], Abraham Solomon ben Isaac ben Samuel Catalan, "On The Eternity of the World" by Thomas Aquinas,, Articles with incomplete citations from March 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2009, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2012, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Now, the skeptic might object that a past eternal cause faces the same dilemma of a past eternal universe. No, not according the second law of thermodynamics, which "coincidentally" dovetails with the scripture below. Only God is eternal. The Neoplatonist philosopher Proclus (412 – 485 AD) advanced in his De Aeternitate Mundi (On the Eternity of the World) eighteen proofs for the eternity of the world, resting on the divinity of its creator. The earliest clear statement about this comes from a fragment attributed to Heraclitus: This world, which is the same for all, no one of gods or men has made. Efforts by those in the. The Aristotelian view was prohibited in the Condemnations of 1210–1277. Teaching Newtonian gravity is not lying. Just as it is absurd to suppose that humans are merely earth-born, so the possibility of their ultimate destruction is inconceivable. Try downloading another browser like Chrome or Firefox. It’s impossible to traverse an infinite number of points in any physical universe, even one beyond our ability to detect. Everything that begins to exist has a cause. And this being is what theists refer to as God. Will it exist forever more? But the absurdity of infinity still applies to a multiverse. These illustrations help demonstrate that an actual infinite number, in reality, is impossible. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. If an already existent matter must precede everything coming into existence, clearly nothing, including matter, can come into existence ex nihilo, that is, from absolute nothingness. He then decides to illustrate how we might expect history to be different if math was subjective. Could you divide the meter stick in half an infinite number of times? The Jews believe in a non Trinity God and the Christians believe in a Trinity God. And though it is true there hasn't been much activity in the last five years, I would still like this blog to be able to be a thing again one day. Now, the dominant belief is that universe abruptly appeared 13.8 billion years ago. ", Maimonides himself held that neither creation nor Aristotle's infinite time were provable, or at least that no proof was available. (The word 'created' is self-explanatory.) The Bible tells a different story. If a Bible-based belief that the universe had a beginning had been established in the West in the early Christian era, then this would have advanced cosmology much sooner. Original Blog Source: The Rise of the Modern Geocentric Theory Movement, Heraclitus: Original Proponent of the Eternal Universe. ),, &ab_channel=PhysicsVideosbyEugeneKhutoryansky. Back to Penrose: Let me illustrate this issue by considering one famous example of a mathematical truth, and relate it to the question of 'objectivity'. Still Alive. There likely are two reasons for this. He then says a typical critique is that math is just a product of human minds but has these amazing properties because it has been distilled down over years to those human ideas that can consistently be shown to be true by all. If the existence of something requires that something else exist before it, then the first thing cannot come into existence without the thing before it existing.
Now, the skeptic might object that a past eternal cause faces the same dilemma of a past eternal universe. A few times during this seminar the issue of elitism among the scientific communities was raised. [citation needed], Thomas Aquinas, like Maimonides, argued against both the conservative theologians and the Averroists, claiming that neither the eternity nor the finite nature of the world could be proved by logical argument alone. This leaves a conscious mind who made a free will choice to create as the best explanation. While this argument has historical roots, contemporary Christian philosopher William Lane Craig has popularized it more recently. However, while we use infinity in mathematical or theoretical worlds, infinity, in reality, is impossible as it results in all sorts of logical absurdities. The switch from believing the universe was eternal to the universe having a finite age was a paradigm shift. God is an ever existing eternal supreme being. When I recently read this quote, I thought it sounded like something Yogi Berra might have said. Everyday Philosophy: Epistemological Realism vs. Epistemological Idealism, Darwin's 'bulldog', Thomas Huxley, was a chief. Averroes' contemporary Maimonides challenged Aristotle's assertion that "everything in existence comes from a substratum," on that basis that his reliance on induction and analogy is a fundamentally flawed means of explaining unobserved phenomenon. Eternal inflation is a hypothetical inflationary universe model, which is itself an outgrowth or extension of the Big Bang theory. For a long time, I had been aware that many ancient Greeks thought the universe was eternal. I have to fight this misconception. Aristotle argued that a "vacuum" (that is, a place where there is no matter) is impossible. Has it existed eternally? Option A is self-contradictory because an object cannot move before it comes into existence, and the act of coming into existence is itself a "movement," so that the first movement requires a movement before it, that is, the act of coming into existence.

The conservative position is that the world can be logically proved to have begun in time, of which the classic exposition is Bonaventure's argument in the second book of his commentary on Peter Lombard's sentences, where he repeats Philoponus' case against a traversal of the infinite. Philoponus' refutation of Aristotle extended to six books, the first five addressing De Caelo and the sixth addressing Physics, and from comments on Philoponus made by Simplicius can be deduced to have been quite lengthy. Meaning, this cause must be spaceless, timeless, and immaterial since space, time, and matter all came into existence at the beginning of the universe. Therefore, if the underlying matter of the universe came into existence, it would come into existence from a substratum. That is to say, this cause existed in a timeless state and thus hasn’t traversed over an infinite number of points.

In sum, since it’s absurd to suggest that the universe has existed for an infinite number of moments, the universe must have begun to exist a finite time ago. Based on this argument, what can we know about the nature of this cause? Eternity is ageless. This form of elitism shows the human side of scientists and can also be seen in the difficulty in getting published by peer-review (especially if the editor/reviewers just don't like you or your research). (Leading us back to an external objective existence.) Finally, the last objection to premise (1) usually comes in the form of a question: “Who caused God?” But this misunderstands the premise.

How did people in the West square this with the “In the beginning” of Genesis 1:1? Posted on Jun 17, 2019 in Cosmology, Physics, Science . But back to the ancient Greeks. The ancient philosopher Aristotle argued that the world must have existed from eternity in his Physics as follows.

Eternal inflation emerges because, in the very early universe, the quantum fluctuations in the field that drives inflation are as big as the field’s average value. How did we come from nothing? First, the ancient Greek gods were very limited: not much more than super-men. Success! How to Explain to Your Kids Why Social Justice Warriors Hate Christians So Much, A Simple Reason Why The Qur’an Cannot Be The Word of God, 10 Reasons to Accept the Resurrection of Jesus as an Historical Fact. But he would be mistaken because the cause of the universe exists outside of, or independent of, time. (DVD), (Mp3), and (Mp4 Download) by Dr. Frank Turek, God’s Crime Scene: Cold-Case…Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe (Paperback), (Mp4 Download), and (DVD Set) by J. Warner Wallace, God’s Crime Scene: The Case for God’s Existence from the Appearance of Design (mp4 Download Set) by J. Warner Wallace, God’s Crime Scene: The Case for God’s Existence from the Appearance of Design in Biology DVD Set by J. Warner Wallace, What is God Like? [7] One such argument was based upon Aristotle's own theorem that there were not multiple infinities, and ran as follows: If time were infinite, then as the universe continued in existence for another hour, the infinity of its age since creation at the end of that hour must be one hour greater than the infinity of its age since creation at the start of that hour. Nothing can’t produce anything. Sunday, December 31, 2017. But the cause and effect principle is a metaphysical principle, in that it’s true for all reality. “Big Bang Vanishes” –Quantum Theory Describes an Eternal Universe . So asking the question, “who caused God?” doesn’t help the skeptic get around premise (1). The Aristotelian commentator Averroes supported Aristotle's view, particularly in his work The Incoherence of the Incoherence (Tahafut al-tahafut), in which he defended Aristotelian philosophy against al-Ghazali's claims in The Incoherence of the Philosophers (Tahafut al-falasifa). They can’t do anything. Since whatever begins to exist has a cause (1), and the universe began to exist (2), it follows necessarily that the universe has a cause (3). Greek philosopher Heraclitus was one of the first promoters of an eternal universe, which, sadly, found its way into Christian theology. (1) The universe is running down, and something that is running down must have started at some point. Philoponus originated the argument now known as the Traversal of the infinite. You may wonder why I was reading up on someone who has been dead for 25 centuries. The Aristotelian commentator Simplicius of Cilicia and contemporary of Philoponus argued against the Aristotelian view. Internet Explorer is no longer supported.


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