how to improve accuracy of linear regression model in python

Let's use train/test split with RMSE to see whether Newspaper should be kept in the model: Up to now, all of our features have been numeric. Please write to us at to report any issue with the above content. "RMSE:", rmse, "\n", "R-squared:", R2) We will take another step further to use a more fancy model called gradient boosting machine. The process would be the same in the beginning — importing the datasets from SKLearn and loading in the Boston dataset: Next, we’ll load the data to Pandas (same as before): So now, as before, we have the data frame that contains the independent variables (marked as “df”) and the data frame with the dependent variable (marked as “target”). from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression regressor = LinearRegression () (x_train,y_train) accuracy = regressor.score (x_test,y_test) print (accuracy*100,'%')

Remember previously we did boxcox transformation on features 'cont7' and 'cont9', but we haven't really implemented it (we used raw continuous features + one hot encoding categorical features until now). Deciding which features to include in a linear model. Finally, I obtained the following structure. Sorry, I did not understand what you mean. Raw (numerical/continuous features) + Dummy Encode (categorical features), Boxcox Transformed & Normalized (Num) + Dum (cat), Box & Norm (num) + Dum (cat) + Log1 (Loss variable), Split training set into several folds (5 fold in my case), Train each model in the different folds, and predict on the splitted training data, Setup a simple machine learning algorithm, such as linear regression, Use the trained weights from each model as a feature for the linear regression, Use the original train data set target as the target for the linear regression. It’s important to note that Statsmodels does not add a constant by default. oh yaa, sorry i mean references.But thankyouuu for the answer. Linear relationship basically means that when one (or more) independent variables increases (or decreases), the dependent variable increases (or decreases) too: As you can see, a linear relationship can be positive (independent variable goes up, dependent variable goes up) or negative (independent variable goes up, dependent variable goes down). If we try to fix the skewness, we might be able to lower the number of outliers. We can see below with a 5 fold cross validation, we get cross validation score around 1300, which is close to our previous linear regression score of 1288.

I’m sure, a lot of you would agree with me if you’ve found yourself stuck in a similar situation. The threshold for a good R-squared value depends widely on the domain, Therefore, it's most useful as a tool for, For a given amount of Radio and Newspaper ad spending, an, Reject the null hypothesis for TV and Radio, There is association between features and Sales, Fail to reject the null hypothesis for Newspaper, However, this is irrelevant since we have failed to reject the null hypothesis for Newspaper, This model provides a better fit to the data than a model that only includes TV, Keep features in the model if they have small p-values, Check whether the R-squared value goes up when you add new features, If assumptions are violated (which they usually are), R-squared and p-values are less reliable, Using a p-value cutoff of 0.05 means that if you add 100 features to a model that are. Your email address will not be published. The company might ask you the following: On the basis of this data, how should we spend our advertising money in the future? Few major points about the categorical features are: Here are some sampled frequency plots to confirm the above 3 points: Now that we have our continuous and categorical features analyzed, we can start building models.

If we do want to add a constant to our model — we have to set it by using the command X = sm.add_constant(X) where X is the name of your data frame containing your input (independent) variables. Next, let’s check out the coefficients for the predictors: These are all (estimated/predicted) parts of the multiple regression equation I’ve mentioned earlier. Ordinary least squares Linear Regression. In general, if you have a categorical feature with k "levels", you create k-1 dummy variables. MSE, MAE, RMSE, and R-Squared calculation in R.Evaluating the model accuracy is an essential part of the process in creating machine learning models to describe how well the model is performing in its predictions. Like I said, I will focus on the implementation of regression models in Python, so I don’t want to delve too much into the math under the regression hood, but I will write a little bit about it.

Usually, the winner just write a brief summary of what they did without revealing much. Whenever a Machine Learning model is being constructed it should be evaluated such that the efficiency of the model is determined, It helps us to find a good model for our prediction by evaluating the model. To make it easier to understand the above steps, I constructed the following table: My code for stacking is in this github repository. You can use Wikipedia and any book related to machine learning as a reference. We would use 50 instead of 50,000 because the original data consists of examples that are divided by 1000. This blog post is organized as follows: First, we take a quick look at the data. Numerical Data; Categorical Data; Model Building. Surprisingly, the data is fairly clean. We will implement compare these transformations: Below is the table comparing side by side the cross validation  error. As you may remember, LSTAT is the percentage of lower status of the population, and unfortunately we can expect that it will lower the median value of houses. But sometimes, a dataset may accept a linear regressor if we consider only a part of it. Different regression models differ based on – the kind of relationship between dependent and independent variables, they are considering and the number of independent variables being used. What we want to notice here is feature 'cont7' and 'cont9', which are skewed left. To find out how skewed are our variables, we calculate the skewness, and 'cont7', 'cont9', and 'loss' are the 3 variables that are the most skewed. # R native funcitons

Evaluation metrics change according to the problem type. This is what differentiates an average data sc… Whenever we add variables to a regression model, R² will be higher, but this is a pretty high R². And, this is where 90% of the data scientists give up. rmse = sqrt(mse) Features 'cat1' to 'cat72' have only two labels A and B, and B has very few entries. Here is a graphical depiction of those calculations: Let's estimate the model coefficients for the advertising data, Interpreting the TV coefficient ($\beta_1$). In this tutorial, we are going to see some evaluation metrics used for evaluating Regression models. This blog post is about how to improve model accuracy in Kaggle Competition. First we’ll define our X and y — this time I’ll use all the variables in the data frame to predict the housing price: The function fits a linear model. Mean Absolute Error (MAE) is the mean of the absolute value of the errors: Mean Squared Error (MSE) is the mean of the squared errors: Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) is the square root of the mean of the squared errors: Let's calculate these by hand, to get an intuitive sense for the results: MSE is more popular than MAE because MSE "punishes" larger errors. We want to use the model to make predictions (that’s what we’re here for! Would have been cool though…). Kaggle competition has been very popular lately, and lots of people are trying to get high score. 1. NYC Data Science Academy is licensed by New York State Education Department. As you probably remember, this the percentage of explained variance of the predictions.

Model fitting is the same: Interpreting the Output — We can see here that this model has a much higher R-squared value — 0.948, meaning that this model explains 94.8% of the variance in our dependent variable. There are 14 continuous (numerical) features. But, RMSE is even more popular than MSE because RMSE is interpretable in the "y" units. Yet, you fail at improving the accuracy of your model. col=c("blue", "red"), pch=c(19,NA), lty=c(NA,1), cex = 0.7) So it is still a mystery what are the approaches available to improve model accuracy. Now we have our transformation under our belt, and we know this problem is a linear case, we can move on to more complicated model such as random forest. Make learning your daily ritual. Enhancing a model performancecan be challenging at times. In this demonstration, the model will use Gradient Descent to learn. We need to choose variables that we think we’ll be good predictors for the dependent variable — that can be done by checking the correlation(s) between variables, by plotting the data and searching visually for relationship, by conducting preliminary research on what variables are good predictors of y etc. Let’s see it first without a constant in our regression model: Interpreting the Table —This is a very long table, isn’t it? Next we’ll want to fit a linear regression model. We’re living in the era of large amounts of data, powerful computers, and artificial intelligence.This is just the beginning. It is mostly used for finding out the relationship between variables and forecasting. SLR models also include the errors in the data (also known as residuals). This tutorial is derived from Kevin Markham's tutorial on Linear Regression but modified for compatibility with Python 3. Each $x$ represents a different feature, and each feature has its own coefficient. We will fit a linear regression as follows: As shown above, testing score is much larger than training score. Remember, we started out with MAE score of 1300? A closely related concept is confidence intervals, Note that using 95% confidence intervals is just a convention, To evaluate the overall fit of a linear model, we use the R-squared value. legend("topleft", legend = c("y-original", "y-predicted"),

This blog post is organized as follows: Data Exploratory. If you’d like a blog post about that, please don’t hesitate to write me in the responses! If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like to contribute, you can also write an article using or mail your article to We will demonstrate a binary linear model as this will be easier to visualize. of correct predictions /Total no. That is why you get the error: your dv_test data likely is integer, but y_pred is float. The best output possible here is 0. I stacked 2 best models here: xgboost + neural network. The regression equation is pretty much the same as the simple regression equation, just with more variables: This concludes the math portion of this post :) Ready to get to implementing it in Python? Df of residuals and models relates to the degrees of freedom — “the number of values in the final calculation of a statistic that are free to vary.”. R2 = 1-(sum((d)^2)/sum((original-mean(original))^2)) Date and Time are pretty self-explanatory :) So as number of observations. x = 1:length(original) Linear regression is an important part of this. If you’re interested, read more here. Werner has been the lead data analyst for KaJin Health (, an online mental health company in Shanghai, and data analyst at SNC-Lavalin, a 7.8 billion dollar public company. You can verify using this Kaggle leaderboard link. Hi everyone!

So, this is has a been a quick (but rather long!) In this model, I got 1115 cross validation score. Consider the below formula for accuracy, Accuracy=(Total no. Classifiers are a core component of machine learning models and can be applied widely across a variety of disciplines and problem statements. Also try to normalize your data before fitting into Linear Regression model. Box / Norm (num) + Dum(cat) + Log1p(loss). What if one of our features was categorical?


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