ned urban dictionary

Used to have a wife named Maude, but she was hit by a barrage of t-shirts shot from bazookas at a NASCAR race, … Neds featured heavily during the Scottish Executive's crackdown on anti-social behaviour two years ago. It means pussy. 17,029 pages were read in the last minute.

The word is one of 1,500 new additions to the Collins English Dictionary. Oh my god, I can't believe how much of A Ned you are get a life! ned the male: usually very thin, wearing a berghaus jacket, trakies tucked into socks, cheap (fake) lacoste trainers, hair that looks like it could land a plane, uaually stoned and drunk (oot der heed man) and …

like bossies and fit like?Michael Robertson, Aberdeen, Na, A wid hiv pit thegither a gret muckle "Scots Language" dictionary and eikit a hantle o shared "English" wirds!David Wilson, Aberdeen, How about clatty, bogin, reekin? eg: They've wendified the pubAndrew Brown, London, It would be pure dead barry if it was in the dictionary. The Scottish Socialist Party's Rosie Kane condemned the use of the word by the executive, saying it was hurtful and disrespectful to young people. We were once renound for the way we spoke and the sheer eloquence of our speech... those days are slowly fading with the growth of chav and ned cultureRaj, Chelmsford, What about some good old doric? One thing that has been difficult traditionally for dictionary publishers to do is to include a lot of regional dialects and vernacular language, simply because it doesn't appear in print very often. In 2001 the word ned entered the Concise Oxford Dictionary, defined as a hooligan or petty criminal, a stupid or loutish boy or man. He said: "It was about time these words went in. All of the strange language that Ned Flanders uses in the popular television show "The Simpsons". Ally, Scotland, I like the word 'charisntma' meaning lacking charisma. Someone who enjoys learning and obtaining new information in general for it's own sake, often without discrimination to different areas of knowledge. Also misspelt words would show that it is not the word that is important, but the meaning.David Matthews, Scotland, I'd like to see the Scottish 'outwith' included in the dictionary, as it seems to be outwith the Standard English vocabulary.Carol, Weesp Netherlands, I think the word cromulant should be put in, as it is a perfectly cromulant use of the word ;-)Ed Gallagher, UK, Neds are often blamed for anti-social behaviour.

The BBC comedy show Chewin' The Fat featured a sketch where the news was translated for neds, using typical slang terms.

used by the Insane Clown Posse in many of their songs. However, the then Communities Minister Margaret Curran accused her of focusing on "frivolities" rather than the blight of youth crime.

'Diananisation' - the media practice of raising vapid celebrity non-entities to sainthood.Tom Macey, Bham UK, Following Carol's mention of 'outwith', I'd like to see dictionary recognition of the Scottish 'whatsoever' (as in 'of no use whatsoever'), which seems infinitely preferable to the flat English 'whatever'.Gavin, Oxford, Wairs ma 'buckie' in tha dicshunry, likes?Wee Boab, Glasgae, I'd like to see the word "barkit" a Dundee word for "Very Dirty" added as its a great word and "Fizzer" which is "Face".Graeme Stevens, ex Dundee, now Mexico City, Stop butchering the English language! "But we have a dedicated team of lexicographers and editors and when we come across a word which we really think should be in, then we just have to fight for them to go in. Sned, in short, is an acronym for Smoke Nugs Every Day Nugs refer to the flowers of the female marijuana plant. But most of all must be the recent Liverpool performance in the Champions League final - bouncebackabilityBrian, Glasgow, Perhaps some words that describe one's appearance - minger, munter, rank, fugly etc. "We have quite a lot of Scottish words in the dictionary now and we are very proud of being based in Scotland and being the UK's oldest dictionary publisher.". The genius who came up with that term I offer my most hearty contrafibularities.Alex, Leicester, UK, Surely a female ned is a nedwina?Anon, Glasgow, To Wendify (v), Wendification (n) Replacement of the traditional and comfortable with the superficial, brand-conscious and corporate. The dictionary also includes the adjectives "neddy" or "neddish" and "nedette", a ned's female counterpart. A ned is someone who does nothing other than play xbox like a pro and go on his computer. ned flanders An extremely God-fearing man, with creepy little kids named Rodd and Todd. Other Scottish slang added to reflect the latest trends in language and culture include "chib", which means "to stab or slash with a sharp weapon", and "a square go", defined as "a fair fight between two individuals". We asked for your thoughts on the words that should be in the dictionary. The word ned has achieved a growing prominence over the past decade. "The new words in this edition do not only reflect change in our culture, but a change in the way we use our language: they portray a vibrant, multicultural society finding new ways to express itself and describe the world around it.". The official definition is that ned is a derogatory term for "a young working-class male who dresses in casual sports clothes". The official definition is that ned is a derogatory term for "a young working-class male who dresses in casual sports clothes". Sned has evolved from this acronym into a philisophical belief that smoking weed every day is the only way to enjoy life. Ned Holness Carlos Mencia's real name. Ms Kane said the word stands for a non-educated delinquent and is therefore degrading and insulting. It would also be good to include the different types of gang - possy, fleeto, bundy, crew.Stuart Graham, Glasgow Scotland, I would like to see words that include numbers such as: 2=to/too, 4=for, etc.

The key to recognizing a nerd is if they are completely … Born in Honduras with a German father. The words "chav", a UK-wide word conveying a similar phenomenon as ned, is also included in the Collins dictionary. This was invented by my wife, hopefully it wasn't inspired by me.John Miller, Ayr, Scotland, Don't forget, that with the growing popularity of metal and alternative music, there is now the word "Slip-ned".

Barry, Edinburgh, Ken - means do you know what i mean or an acknowledgement.Darren Fyffe, Dundee, I would have chosen those words just because I hear them everyday. ned A Ned is a Non Educated Delinquent. Ned thinks because he was born near Mexico he has the right to call himself wetback and classify himself as "beaner." Sned can also be used as a verb, noun, or adjective. They are usually in groups of about 10-20 and call themselves "Teams, Fleetos and Bundys". Editor-in-chief Jeremy Butterfield added: "People have taken possession of language and are ever more inventive about the way they use it. Justin Crozier, editor of the Collins English Dictionary, told BBC Radio Scotland that many of the new words were a reflection of current Scottish language. #a #ned #xbox #player #pro #no #life #computer … They are all weak and only "fight" in groups and by "fight" i mean "slashing or " chibbing " or using any other instrument other than their fists.


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