revenge of the green dragons new yorker

     “We went through all that, right? Oth­er nights, he would stay over for din­ner and play mah-jongg with fam­i­ly mem­bers. But what I fight for? Paul’s mind appeared to be on mat­ters oth­er than the finan­cial wor­ries of his gang. He had stood up, so Alex had fired at him.      “Just in case… ten years. At his door, Char­lie looked around ner­vous­ly, then turned his key in one of two locks. After sev­er­al min­utes, he was tak­en into a bed­room and forced to strip to his under­wear. Pri­vate­ly, I. Chung remained wary of the Tigers, hav­ing read in a Chi­nese-lan­guage news­pa­per that the gang was encroach­ing upon Elmhurst. Chen I. Chung con­tin­ued to take direc­tion from him over the tele­phone, but now the young dai lo was in charge. The but­ter­fly does a com­plete cir­cle around us, then cir­cles the fam­i­ly, and is gone. Tam lec­tured the restau­rant staff on why the Asian com­mu­ni­ty need­ed to band togeth­er and resist intim­i­da­tion by thugs. The Gal­li­vans and their friends ducked into the Tien Chau, a Tai­wanese restau­rant just a short jog from the Lif­fey Pub. The Green Drag­ons were effec­tive­ly put out of busi­ness. By Sun­day, the entire Mach fam­i­ly was in a pan­ic. After two years in prison await­ing tri­al, Son­ny Wong was found not guilty; appar­ent­ly, the jury, like the gang, did not believe he had con­fessed. Son­ny nev­er signed a state­ment, and his gang broth­ers refused to believe that he had cracked, which was for­tu­nate. On Feb­ru­ary 25th, Car­ol Huang iden­ti­fied Alex Wong as the young man who had shot and killed two peo­ple at the Tien Chau restau­rant. When he learned that Tina’s father had been bust­ed as a “mule”—federal pros­e­cu­tors’ slang for a low-lev­el hero­in smuggler—and had agreed to tes­ti­fy against his drug sup­pli­er, Blum ini­tial­ly thought that Tina might have been mur­dered in revenge. Not only that he face what he has to face with guys sur­round­ing him with guns and all that. Blum had iden­ti­fied the abduc­tors in less than a month. Aleck took Tina’s bag. Wong helped the gang defray its largest expenses—lawyers’ fees, bail, firearms, rent—reducing the need for armed rob­bery. On the pre­text of being rel­a­tives, gang mem­bers remained in Paul’s room around the clock, to make sure no one took anoth­er shot at him.

“If you don’t believe me, you can go and try it.” Jay told him that if the num­ber didn’t work, or if he report­ed the rob­bery to the police, his entire fam­i­ly would be killed.

“Car­ol, duck!” Greg yelled. Steven and an old­er broth­er arranged to take off two weeks from work and began dri­ving aim­less­ly around New York, look­ing for Tommy’s red Sub­aru. The Chan cousins moved to Queens soon after Robert did. As he opened the door to his car, a white Jeep Chero­kee, a mem­ber of the Green Dragons—it was lat­er alleged to be Steven Ng—jumped out of the Hon­da and shot him once in the head and three times in the back with a.380 semi-auto­mat­ic. Yip Ming Lee, a wait­er, iden­ti­fied sev­en Green Drag­ons, and remem­bered which of them had fol­lowed Tina and Tom­my out of the restau­rant. The three abduc­tors forced Tina and Tom­my down into the ravine, which was slip­pery with dead leaves, and onto the road. The film stars Ray Liotta, Justin Chon, Shuya Chang, Harry Shum, Jr., Kevin Wu, and Billy Magnussen.

He began to dress like his gang broth­ers, in a black jack­et, a black turtle­neck, tight black jeans, and black can­vas slip­pers, leav­ing his ankles bare, even in the dead of win­ter. To enter the night club, one pass­es through an air­port-style met­al detector—to pre­vent gang mem­bers from walk­ing in with their guns—and climbs a flight of stairs. Tommy’s father was very strict, and the entire Mach fam­i­ly was suf­fused with the Asian work eth­ic.      Still, Tina could not seem to stay in one place. Per­haps they still believed that Foo­chow Paul would swoop down and res­cue them—even though Legal Aid, and not Foo­chow Paul, had pro­vid­ed their lawyers. Besides gath­er­ing evi­dence to be used one day in court, C-6 learned of crimes still in the plan­ning stage. In Sep­tem­ber, there was much dis­cus­sion of moon cakes, because Sep­tem­ber is the month of the Chi­nese Moon Fes­ti­val, and the Green Drag­ons forced restau­rants to buy twen­ty-dol­lar box­es of cakes for up to five hun­dred dol­lars apiece. She has come close to being the only fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tor killed in the line of duty. The sec­ond lock jammed, and as he strug­gled with it five Green Drag­ons sur­round­ed him and pulled him over to the mail­box­es fac­ing the door. “I’m just wor­ried about the one on the eleventh floor,” I. Chung said.

     “I’ll have a plan.…” On March 20, 1986, Robert arrived at John F. Kennedy Inter­na­tion­al Air­port with his fourth shipment—eight pounds, this time, accord­ing to Hen­ry. Tina moved in with her cousins Beat­rice and Dorothy Chan, the daugh­ters of Robert’s old­est sis­ter. This is typ­i­cal­ly done at school. Roger’s father was a stone­cut­ter, and his moth­er found a job at Gen­er­al Motors. Fuck his moth­er, I have wait­ed for six months. He appeared quite calm. The brothers quickly rise up the ranks, drawing the unwanted attention of hard-boiled city cops. I’d come up with a rea­son that is real­ly out­ra­geous. I even ask him to stay for din­ner. He had learned enough to con­verse with John Got­ti at the M.C.C., and said they had come to an agree­ment: “The law is dirty, man.” I. Chung had noth­ing but con­tempt for Cathy Palmer, the fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tor, whom he referred to, inac­cu­rate­ly, as “the D.A.” “I don’t know why she hate me a lot,” he said. The fame Robert had won so ear­ly in Hong Kong elud­ed him in Amer­i­ca. They would cut across three lanes at eighty miles per hour.”) Alert­ed by C-6, York­town police set up a road­block and stopped the gang’s car as it left the crime scene. “I tell Tina to stay with Dorothy.      “I won’t delay any more.” Son­ny Wong was six­teen. When he got up, E.T. A FEW days after the roller-rink inci­dent, on Chi­nese New Year, Son­ny Wong at last got to meet Foo­chow Paul. They had cars. In May and June of 1985, Robert went to Hong Kong, loaded the false bot­tom of a steam­er trunk with hero­in, and mailed the trunk to him­self with musi­cal equip­ment inside. The Green Drag­ons and the White Tigers import­ed this tra­di­tion into Queens. “We go togeth­er, but they only allow the par­ents to go in, Robert and Rita,” Beat­rice Chan recalls. At the cor­ner of Brit­ton Avenue and Ketcham Street, Bri­an stopped the car, jumped out, and shot one of the young men dead with a.380 semi-auto­mat­ic. He spoke Can­tonese, and he was extreme­ly per­sua­sive. It was alleged that while fir­ing the fatal shots Steven Ng told him, “This is from Paul.”. Tom­my and Tina had reached the door of his red Sub­aru, in the park­ing lot across the street from the restau­rant. For the moment, I. Chung was par­tic­u­lar­ly wor­ried about Alex Wong, who had been arrest­ed the pre­vi­ous year, at age sev­en­teen, for gun pos­ses­sion, and incar­cer­at­ed in the juve­nile wing at Riker’s Island. By 1967, at the age of twen­ty, he had formed a Hong Kong rock group called Jade. But when Son­ny Wong encoun­tered the Green Drag­ons at the pool hall, Steven Ng was among them. This film — a thriller directed with Andrew Loo and set in Queens during the Chinese immigration wave of the 1980s — begins by sketching out the hungry desperation of the era, and how Chinese gangs took hold of two schoolmates, Sonny and Steven, and never let go. Steven con­tin­ues to live there, with his par­ents and his wife. Moments lat­er, Greg heard what sound­ed like fire­crack­ers. They stood with E.T. The gov­ern­ment has exert­ed far more effort against “tra­di­tion­al” orga­nized crime in America—the Mafia—than against Asian crime, which has exist­ed here just as long.

A D.E.A. Chen I. Chung kept a stat­ue of the war­rior god Gung Gong by the door, and he asked the four boys to pray before head­ing out.


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