space exploration timeline

April-June 1961, (Launch Failure) Luna 2 - 12 September 1959 - Lunar Impact Luna 3 - 4 October 1959 - Lunar Flyby Pioneer P-3 - 26 November 1959 - Attempted Lunar Orbiter (Launch Failure) 1960 Luna 1960A - 15 April 1960 - Attempted Lunar Flyby (Launch Failure) Luna 1960B - 18 April 1960 - Attempted Lunar Flyby (Launch Failure) Pioneer P-30 - 25 Sept 1960 - Attempted Lunar Orbiter (Launch Failure) Marsnik 1 (Mars 1960A) - 10 October 1960 - Attempted Mars Flyby (Launch Failure) Marsnik 2 (Mars 1960B) - 14 October 1960 - Attempted Mars Flyby (Launch Failure) Pioneer P-31 - 15 December 1960 - Attempted Lunar Orbiter (Launch Failure) 1961 Sputnik 7 - 4 February 1961 - Attempted Venus Impact Venera 1 - 12 February 1961 - Venus Flyby (Contact Lost) Ranger 1 - 23 August 1961 - Attempted Lunar Test Flight Ranger 2 - 18 November 1961 - Attempted Lunar Test Flight 1962 Ranger 3 - 26 January 1962 - Attempted Lunar Impact Ranger 4 - 23 April 1962 - Lunar Impact Mariner 1 - 22 July 1962 - Attempted Venus Flyby (Launch Failure) Sputnik 19 - 25 August 1962 - Attempted Venus Flyby Mariner 2 - 27 August 1962 - Venus Flyby Sputnik 20 - 1 September 1962 - Attempted Venus Flyby Sputnik 21 - 12 September 1962 - Attempted Venus Flyby Ranger 5 - 18 October 1962 - Attempted Lunar Impact Sputnik 22 - 24 October 1962 - Attempted Mars Flyby Mars 1 - 1 November 1962 - Mars Flyby (Contact Lost) Sputnik 24 - 4 November 1962 - Attempted Mars Lander 1963 Sputnik 25 - 4 January 1963 - Attempted Lunar Lander Luna 1963B - 2 February 1963 - Attempted Lunar Lander (Launch Failure) Luna 4 - 2 April 1963 - Attempted Lunar Lander Cosmos 21 - 11 November 1963 - Attempted Venera Test Flight? The first artificial Earth satellite, Sputnik 1, was launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, … The Soviet Union launches Sputnik 1 into orbit.

First human orbital spaceflight launched by a private company. First Chinese crewed mission to Tiangong-1 space laboratory. 1957 Sputnik 1 - 4 October 1957 - Earth Orbiter Sputnik 2 - 3 November 1957 - Earth Orbiter Vanguard TV3 - 6 December 1957 - Attempted Earth Orbiter (Launch Failure) 1958 Explorer 1 - 1 February 1958 - Earth Orbiter Vanguard 1 - 17 March 1958 - Earth Orbiter Pioneer 0 - 17 August 1958 - Attempted Lunar Orbit (Launch Failure) Luna 1958A - 23 September 1958 - Attempted Lunar Impact? 1958 – NASA officially begins operations on October 1 and the AERL becomes Lewis Research Center. The History of Space Exploration During the time that has passed since the launching of the first artificial satellite in 1957, astronauts have traveled to the moon, probes have explored the solar system, and instruments in space have discovered thousands of planets around other stars. Chinese crewed mission to Tiangong-1 space laboratory.

the box below. ApolloBy Charles Murray and Catherine Bly Cox. Launched on an. Unmanned Chinese mission docking with Tiangong-1 space laboratory. President Eisenhower approves official NASA seal designed by Jim Modarelli on November 29. Apollo 12 - 14 November 1969 - Crewed Lunar Landing 1970 Luna 1970A - 6 February 1970 - Attempted Lunar Sample Return? Discover the dates and details for milestones in space exploration from the years 2011 through 2020, including the first spacecraft to orbit Mercury, the end of the Space Shuttle program, and the beginning of the commercial space program. At 682 miles (1,097.57 km) altitude and 3,335 miles range, the 3-stage Jupiter-C breaks both records and achieves MACH 18 velocity. NASA COTS demo flight 1. Delivered the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) to ISS. First berthing of SpaceX's Dragon capsule to ISS. October 4, 1957. 1964 Ranger 6 - 30 January 1964 - Lunar Impact (Cameras Failed) Venera 1964A - 19 February 1964 - Attempted Venus Flyby (Launch Failure) Venera 1964B - 1 March 1964 - Attempted Venus Flyby (Launch Failure) Luna 1964A - 21 March 1964 - Attempted Lunar Lander (Launch Failure) Cosmos 27 - 27 March 1964 - Attempted Venus Flyby Zond 1 - 2 April 1964 - Venus Flyby (Contact Lost) Luna 1964B - 20 April 1964 - Attempted Lunar Lander (Launch Failure) Zond 1964A - 4 June 1964 - Attempted Lunar Lander (Launch Failure) Ranger 7 - 28 July 1964 - Lunar Impact Mariner 3 - 5 November 1964 - Attempted Mars Flyby Mariner 4 - 28 November 1964 - Mars Flyby Zond 2 - 30 November 1964 - Mars Flyby (Contact Lost) 1965 Ranger 8 - 17 February 1965 - Lunar Impact Cosmos 60 - 12 March 1965 - Attempted Lunar Lander Ranger 9 - 21 March 1965 - Lunar Impact Luna 1965A - 10 April 1965 - Attempted Lunar Lander?

First Titan Lander. 1940-1944, Space Exploration Timeline Timeline Description: Two countries have dominated space exploration: the United States and the Soviet Union. Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn! 1961: Failure Is Not an OptionMission Control From Mercury to Apollo 13 and Beyond, By Gene Kranz. June 20th 1944 – A V-2 Rocket launched by Nazi Germany during World War II is the first man-made object to go beyond 100 km – the Kármán line – and reach space! 1930-1934, Forecast of … First piloted orbital mission of another celestial body (Moon), First docking between two crewed spacecraft in Earth orbit, also the first crew exchange in space. (Launch Failure) Zond L1S-2 - 3 July 1969 - Attempted Lunar Orbiter (Launch Failure) Luna 15 - 13 July 1969 - Lunar Orbiter (Attempted Lunar Lander?)

Space Exploration In The 1940’s! (Launch Failure) Pioneer 3 - 6 December 1958 - Attempted Lunar Flyby (Launch Failure) 1959 Luna 1 - 2 January 1959 - Lunar Flyby (Attempted Lunar Impact?) Solar observatory launched on an Atlas II-AS rocket. Orbital Sciences mission to resupply the ISS. Crewed spaceflights during the 1960s are listed chronologically in the table. Cosmos 305 - 22 October 1969 - Attempted Lunar Sample Return? Attempted Mars orbiter. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. October-December 1961. Sputnik 1, a man-made … Apollo 11 - 16 July 1969 - Crewed Lunar Landing Zond 7 - 7 August 1969 - Lunar Flyby and Return to Earth Cosmos 300 - 23 September 1969 - Attempted Lunar Sample Return? Luna 10 - 31 March 1966 - Lunar Orbiter Luna 1966A - 30 April 1966 - Attempted Lunar Orbiter? The Mighty SaturnsSaturn I and IBSpacecraft Films.

first aircraft to fly into space: X-15 Flight 91: U.S. Joseph Walker: Aug. 22, 1963: set unofficial altitude record of 108 km (67 miles) Voskhod 1: U.S.S.R. Vladimir Komarov; Konstantin Feoktistov; Boris Yegorov: Oct. 12–13, 1964: first multiperson crewed spacecraft; first doctor in space (Yegorov) This page was last edited on 6 October 2020, at 08:58. (Launch Failure) Luna 5 - 9 May 1965 - Lunar Impact (Attempted Soft Landing) Luna 6 - 8 June 1965 - Attempted Lunar Lander Zond 3 - 18 July 1965 - Lunar Flyby Luna 7 - 4 October 1965 - Lunar Impact (Attempted Soft Landing) Venera 2 - 12 November 1965 - Venus Flyby (Contact Lost) Venera 3 - 16 November 1965 - Venus Lander (Contact Lost) Cosmos 96 - 23 November 1965 - Attempted Venus Lander? 1958,

Last space shuttle mission. First clear telescopic photograph of another world: the. Monograph in Aerospace History, No. (Launch Failure) Pioneer 2 - 8 November 1958 - Attempted Lunar Orbit (Launch Failure) Luna 1958C - 4 December 1958 - Attempted Lunar Impact? Spacecraft Films Wave 1 Megapack(Apollo 11 / Apollo 8 / The Mighty Saturns / Project Gemini). First human on the Moon, and first space launch from a celestial body other than the Earth, First soft landing on another planet (Venus), First to maintain orbit around another planet (, First human made object sent on escape trajectory away from the Sun, First mission to enter the asteroid belt and leave inner Solar System, First successful photos from the surface of another planet (Venus), First successful photos and soil samples from the surface of Mars, First real time remotely operated ultraviolet orbital observatory, First extended (multi-year) orbital exploration of, Saturn flyby (closest approach 124,000 kilometers), close encounter of, First Venus soil samples and sound recording of another world. Исследование мировых пространств реактивными приборами, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Society for Studies of Interplanetary Travel, First photograph of the whole Solar System, Discovery and exploration of the Solar System, Timeline of artificial satellites and space probes, "Chronology: Cowboys to V-2s to the Space Shuttle to lasers", "NASA launches Kepler Mission: Search for Earth-like worlds", "European Space Agency's Spacecraft Lands on Comet's Surface", "Meals Ready to Eat: Expedition 44 Crew Members Sample Leafy Greens Grown on Space Station", "Ultima Thule: Clearest image yet of 'snowman' space rock released by NASA", "Far side of the moon: China's Chang'e 4 probe makes historic touchdown", "SpaceX Speeding Astronauts to Space Station in Landmark Trip", Chronology: Moon Race at, R-7 (including Semyorka, Molniya, Vostok, Voskhod and Soyuz),, Articles needing additional references from April 2017, All articles needing additional references, Articles containing Russian-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

First flight of the European Automated Transfer Vehicle. July-September 1961, and This is a timeline of space exploration including notable achievements and first accomplishments or major events in humanity's exploration of outer space. Failed to reach ISS due to control system failure. 1960s – The Space Program. First mixed gender crew aboard space station, and first woman on space station. (Launch Failure) Pioneer 1 - 11 October 1958 - Attempted Lunar Orbit (Launch Failure) Luna 1958B - 12 October 1958 - Attempted Lunar Impact? Deliberately crashed into Lunar surface on 3SEP2006. Failed to reach ISS due to rocket failure.

Delivered supplies and equipment to ISS. (Launch Failure) Zond 5 - 15 September 1968 - Lunar Flyby and Return to Earth Zond 6 - 10 November 1968 - Lunar Flyby and Return to Earth Apollo 8 - 21 December 1968 - Crewed Lunar Orbiter 1969 Venera 5 - 5 January 1969 - Venus Probe Venera 6 - 10 January 1969 - Venus Probe Zond 1969A - 20 January 1969 - Attempted Lunar Flyby and Return (Launch Failure) Luna 1969A - 19 February 1969 - Attempted Lunar Rover? First photos of another world from space: the, First plants and animals to return alive from Earth orbit, First probe launched to Mars (failed to reach target), First planetary flyby (within 100,000 km of, First manned space flight lasting over twenty four hours by, First auroral research rocket launched into the ionosphere, First Mars flyby (11,000 km) but contact was lost. Infrared space telescope. Goddard files for and is subsequently awarded U.S. patents on multistage and liquid-fueled rockets, First observation of an extrasolar planet (, Goddard's widely influential paper "A Method of Reaching Extreme Altitudes" discussed solid- and liquid-fueled rocketry, Goddard launches the first liquid-fueled rocket, First space research flight (cosmic radiation experiments), First pictures of Earth from 105 km (65 mi).


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