the african child pdf

Submitted: June 3rd 2012Reviewed: September 9th 2013Published: December 18th 2013, Home > Books > Parenting in South American and African Contexts, *Address all correspondence to:, Parenting in South American and African Contexts. 0000003390 00000 n 0000009498 00000 n Parenting and Culture – Evidence from Some African Communities, Parenting in South American and African Contexts, Maria Lucia Seidl-de-Moura, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/56967. The United Nations (UN) adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) in 1989. How? A lot of young people presently no longer give a helping hand to the adult and do not offer their seat to the elderly whether in public or private. According to Martin (2000) often such stories were told by the light of the moon around a village fire after the completion of a long day of work. 0000004854 00000 n Actually, a protective padding is kept in the spear from penetrating them, and a sack of chicken blood was tied over the spot to appear as though the young men had been stuck. On this day, the girls are again led to the river. It is intriguing to know that this system is where a brother trained a younger brother or sister and they in turn help to train younger ones or older siblings’ children. During infancy, the child is breastfed for a longer time as compared to this modern time. The uniqueness of this system with regards to parenting in our traditional African communities is that the responsibility in taking care of the child is not only to the biological parents. According to Cherry (2012), parenting styles differ due to certain factors. These elderly people serve as parents in that their word of advice during the story time helps to shape the younger ones.

In a similar manner Emery (2012) says a folktale is a traditional narrative, usually anonymous, handed down orally e.g. Santrock (2006) also stated that permissive parents have few demands to make of their children. This initiation house is under the supervision of responsible, elderly women and also some girls. %PDF-1.3 %���� Child (AHG,/S1'.b Rev. It is a cohesive unit which ideally provides economic, social and psychological security to all its members. This is buttressed by the African proverb on parenting which says that, “a single hand cannot nurse a child”. While Ananse was trying to climb the thorny silk cotton tree his son was watching him.” Father,” he said,” "What are you doing" "Well" said Ananse, I have in this clay pot all the wisdom of the world and I am going to hang it on the top of the tallest tree away from everybody, then I will be the wisest in the whole wide world." Also, this system allows any elderly person to discipline or correct a child. It must be emphasized that the involvement of more mothers in the modern labour force, deprives the children as well as the whole family of the daily love and care so necessary for proper child rearing and development. This is because never before has a human rights instrument had so On the other hand, authoritative parents establish rules and guidelines that their children are expected to follow. In the same vein, it is a common knowledge that when one speaks of the family in an African context, one is referring not to the nuclear family but the extended family (Gyekye, 1996). Young couples give birth before they think about marriage. It was also introduced to teach the young woman how to be responsible and take care of her own family. As PhD students, we found it difficult to access the research we needed, so we decided to create a new Open Access publisher that levels the playing field for scientists across the world. Most stories didn’t end happily ever after. A child whose parents reside in different States shall have the right to maintain on a regular basis, save in exceptional circumstances personal relations and direct contacts with both parents. Finally Ananse sat on a branch of the tree holding the pot of wisdom. If they pass the test, their parents will then prepare them to the initiation house. Nevertheless, this parenting style is much more democratic (Cherry, 2012 & Santrock, 2006). presented at its 10th ordinary meeting, Cairo, Egypt (October 2007).

According to Santrock, most parents learn parenting practices from their own parents - some they accept and some they discard. Baumrind (1991) argues that these parents are assertive but not intrusive and restrictive. This forever will bring a stigma to the girl’s family. authors would like to thank Albie Sachs J of the Constitutional Court of

Full text views reflects the number of PDF downloads, PDFs sent to Google Drive, Dropbox and Kindle and HTML full text views. Presently, this puberty rite has been modernized due to education and also foreign religion. Child hunger in South Africa declined after introduction of the child support grant. This is for him to prevent childlessness in his home and the extended family.

It is obvious from the explanations given and their examples that these folktales carry with it values and morals which are being handed from one generation to the other.
African Studies (This story is contributed by Rev Peter E Adotey Addo from his book, How the Spider became Bald...Folktales and Legends from West Africa adopted from So also is parenting. It teaches good morals which helps in parenting the child so he/she will learn to be a responsible adult. In view of this some important aspects that will be discussed in this chapter with respect to parenting and culture are: Some common values and practices in Ghana, Nigeria and Liberia which foster good Parenting. Now he said “I have all the wisdom of the world for myself. During storytelling, we will have the older ones telling the younger ones stories which depicted attributes such as giving, caring for one another, greed, selfishness and so on.

I believe our teachers should be reminded of this practice so the children can have rich cultural training. The queen mother will then examine the girls including their menstrual cycle to ensure that the girls are indeed virgins. “I thought I had all the wisdom in the world” He thought to himself. On the contrast, Maccoby (1992) informed that authoritative parenting styles lead to children who are happy, capable and successful. This chapter will therefore enable readers especially, Africans to be aware of some of the rich cultural practices of parenting. However, the pandemic reversed many of the gains. It will also add up to literature as far as parenting and culture in Africa is concerned as well as in the majority world. Open Access is an initiative that aims to make scientific research freely available to all. The extended family is a strong tool in parenting. children expressly imposes duties on them. Cherry (2012) reported that authoritarian parenting styles normally result in children who are obedient and proficient but rank lower in happiness, social competence and self-esteem. of those duties for children. Among the human rights instruments that make up the UN human rights system, CRC stands unique. We should not neglect it out rightly because it is that which makes us Africans. This rite is therefore believed to make women or girls good wives if they are able to go through the process successfully. The nuclear family is made up of only both parents and the children. Parents with this style are responsive and ready to listen and cooperate. ** Doctoral Researcher, Community Law Centre, University of the Western Cape. While all cultures have these and possibly many other universal traits, different cultures have developed their own specific ways of carrying out or expressing them. Published online by Cambridge University Press: URL: /core/journals/journal-of-african-law.
With regards to African culture, people perceive most of its practices as something which is devilish in the sense that a lot of its practices are attributed to gods. This implies that parenting is the process of taking care or supporting a child from birth to adulthood involving the physical, emotional, social and intellectual capabilities. This is because never before has a human rights instrument had so It is recommended that parents should endeavour to visit the old stories, make time and narrate them to their children.

The African Children's Charter,

The extended family system which is under pressure is rapidly eroding and failing to fulfil its primary role of socialization. endobj Study the Charter on the African Human Rights Caselaw Analyser. Presently, teenage pregnancy is on the increase.

Meanwhile, eligible bachelors would watch from the periphery.


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