where does consciousness come from

They also believed in the reincarnation of the soul. Some experts argue that the sense of self is just an illusion coming from our senses, thoughts and feelings. At one time the primary subject matter of psychology, consciousness as an area of study suffered an almost total demise, later re-emerging to become a topic of current interest”. Our most evidence-backed theory of what reality is, something called ‘ontological naturalism,’ states that everything we know is just nature and the laws of nature. For eternity, souls live on and weave through bodies and realms. And here, Socrates uses ‘fire’ as an example; fire participates in the form of ‘hotness’ but it will never participate in the form ‘coldness’.

All beginnings are difficult, so the living being begins its manifestation in physical matter with something quite “simple”: mineral matter. Moreover, bacteria live in biofilms of large numbers of individuals that communicate with each by secreting chemicals that spread important environmental information about food and toxins.

In Plato’s Phaedo, Socrates reminds us that everything participates in a ‘form’. (2009, March 17). In a body that is alive there is a constant exchange of energies taking place with the surroundings (This was actually pointed out in the afterlife experiments (cf. The question of what consciousness really is, is a hard nut to crack. Consciousness and post-mortem survival are intrinsically interwoven. All this information is there in the ray-formed matter of the human energy field and this ray-formed matter constitutes our consciousness. The “I” will now enter the spiritual realms and there it will be “carless” until the time comes, when it is ready to re-enter the physical plane and acquire a new car of the latest model. Given his appreciation of scientific evidence, he should be able to recognize that the evidence for consciousness in single-celled organisms is much worse than the evidence for consciousness in self-driving cars, which already exhibit much more complex sensing, reacting, moving, and communicating than bacteria. Our physical body is surrounded by a field of electrical impulses that carry information. It can smell, taste, feel, hear and see. What they found about one of these neurons is that it fires when something pokes the nematode, and that neuron helps it decide if it ran into something or if it poked itself by accident. When the stage of the real human being has been reached, the consciousness has developed into a beautiful flower in full bloom. We can stand in front of the radio and block the entrance path of the radio waves into the receiver, but that is of no consequence. Is pursuit of homeostasis and responsiveness to the environment sufficient?

In the animal kingdom, we see how the first consciousness abilities are trained. All consciousness is thus identical to both the “I”’s own manifestation and emission and also identical to its reception of the emitted “radio wavelengths” of other beings, shaped as thoughts. If the instrument was broken or non-existent, there would be no harmony.

That is, at least the parts that we would refer to as the ‘soft problems’ issues of consciousness. It is the winter zone of the passage, whereas the spiritual worlds constitute the summer zone. Socrates, Plato, and Eastern mystics have continuously claimed that truth lies not in the visible but in the non-invisible. Stanislas Dehaene thinks that emergence comes from the broadcast of information across brain areas, whereas I argue in my new book Brain-Mind that the key properties are patterns of firing of neurons, binding of these patterns into more complex patterns, and competition among the resulting patterns. . The first minds:  Caterpillars, ‘karyotes, and consciousness. When the information is filtered through the brain, it is brought to our day-conscious awareness. Yet, with all our knowledge, there is still no consensus among the scientific community on this very issue; the body and soul; What is the soul (consciousness) and where does it come from? It can only vaguely “sense” what is pleasurable and what is unpleasurable. The realms or kingdoms of the spiritual world are by Martinus called: the kingdom of wisdom, the divine world, and the kingdom of bliss. It’s important to observe because it means that these creatures have a concept of time, just like we do. Are animals conscious too? Both of these hypotheses about the emergence of consciousness in large brains have the advantage that they attribute consciousness to just those organisms for which there is evidence concerning pain, emotions, and imagery. Have any problems using the site? Our existence as spiritual beings then lasts for eons and eons of time until we eventually reach the point at which we need to experience a contrast to the light. I know this can be a rather complex and contentious topic, but I’ll break it down so it’s as easy to understand as possible. With each life, we live on the physical plane as plants, animals and humans we add new elements to our experience and consciousness, we add new talents and abilities for creation, and as these consciousness elements form part of our eternal supraconsciousness, they accompany us from life to life. Pan meaning “everything” and Psyche meaning the “soul/mind” suggest that everything has a certain degree of consciousness; birds, plants, even molecules… though what constitutes this “everything” is largely debated. It is to have thoughts about your being and relations with other beings. After living in this culminating love and light for eons, the being eventually becomes satiated with the light in exactly the same way as we become satiated with any type of manifestation that we have repeated a large number of times. They’ve mapped all the neurons and know what some of them can do. Like many ancient eastern philosophers, Socrates believes that life follows a circular pattern. Socrates believes that the eternal soul weaves through life and death. We see how the movements [of which matter consists] develop into manifestations of plant organisms.
It develops its intelligence through the challenges it is faced with on the physical plane and it develops its feeling through the sufferings it experiences. But these wavelengths are nevertheless a fact for the advanced, occult researcher and they constitute the fundamental principle in any form of manifestation of consciousness or spiritual life. The first manifestation of a living being in the process of entering the physical plane are in mineral matter. Engineers know exactly how self-driving cars work because they built them, and can explain their operations without invoking consciousness. In a sense, the brain dematerializes the sound waves and transforms them into electromagnetic impulses that are confronted with the ray-formed matter already present in the field.
I'll second the commenter above that it depends on how we define consciousness.

As already mentioned, an agreed scientific theory for the origin of consciousness does not exist, so in order to present a theory for the origin of consciousness my sole source is Martinus. We are eternal beings. At best, we can put a question mark beside hypothesis number 6. In this way, we can say that a conversation is a two-way flow of ray-formed matter that is materialized (made accessible to our physical senses) and dematerialized through the brain. The question of what consciousness is has puzzled humankind ever since we realized that we had one, and in this chapter, we shall have a profound look at the intriguing question: What is consciousness, where does it come from and where is it seated? In this sense the brain is analogue to a radio receiver that transforms the ray-formed matter of the radio waves into sound waves that can be picked up by the ear. There will be great similarities within the individuals of the same species, but still our consciousness is ours and ours alone. Do they necessarily involve coherent activity across different regions of the brain, or can they be restricted to local patterns of reverberating activity? We can also put it in this simple way: the consciousness of the eternal “I” sleeps and dreams in the stone, awakes and stirs in the plant, emerges, moves and acts in the animal and starts to blooms in the human being. Our sojourn in the physical world of darkness and hardship is “only” a necessary arrangement in the sense that it constitutes a contrast to the light and love of the spiritual world. This means that the consciousness survives the death of the body. This also means that we are essentially the same person, the same “I”, whether we have a physical body or not. Click, The Number 3 Explained – Why Is It Universally Powerful, What Justice Truly Means – Judging Properly with the 13 Symbols of Lady Justice, https://philpapers.org/archive/CHATMO-32.pdf, http://nautil.us/issue/47/consciousness/the-spiritual-reductionist-consciousness-of-christof-koch, https://slate.com/human-interest/2009/11/the-unsolved-mysteries-of-consciousness.html, https://bigthink.com/videos/the-riddle-of-consciousness, https://www.brainpickings.org/2012/04/26/john-searle-on-consciousness/, https://bigthink.com/paul-ratner/why-a-genius-scientist-thinks-our-consciousness-originates-at-the-quantum-level, https://bigthink.com/paul-ratner/albert-einsteins-surprising-thoughts-on-the-meaning-of-life, https://upliftconnect.com/spiritual-inspiration-from-albert-einstein/, http://consciousnesscongress.org/speaker/jim-tucker/, https://explore.scimednet.org/index.php/is-consciousness-guiding-the-universe-prof-stuart-hameroff/, Lady Justice – Judging with a Scale, Sword and Blindfold, Socrates Believed In a Travelling and Eternal Soul (Consciousness), The Evil Eye, The All Seeing Eye and The Third Eye, Copyright 2020 © All rights Reserved. As already mentioned, the plant being can only experience pain as an unpleasurable sensation. We have no reason to attribute pain, emotions, or imagery to bacteria, so the attribution of consciousness is superfluous. The Human Energy Field Is a Field of Information, Field of Information Is a Field of Consciousness, Our Consciousness Is the Core of Our Being.


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