which of the following electoral reforms would make voting more difficult group of answer choices

A study of Kids Voting’s impact in Kansas found that, in Kansas counties that incorporated the program into school curricula, voter participation was 2.1 percent higher for both 18-year-olds and their parents than it was in counties without the program—even after controlling for other factors.254 Other studies have similarly shown that Kids Voting increases voter participation indirectly through student-parent discussions, attention to political news, and other factors.255 Another organization, Generation Citizen, aims to provide young people with “the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in our democracy as active citizens” and trains more than 30,000 middle and high school students through “action-oriented” civics lessons.256 In addition to performing research and analysis on policies and issues, students meet with state and local lawmakers, create petitions, write op-eds, and deliver presentations to their classmates.257 Educators reported that, by the end of the 2016-2017 school year, 80 percent of participating students increased their civic knowledge and 62 percent increased their civic motivation.258, Children between the ages of 0 and 18 account for more than 78 million people in the United States, almost a quarter of the country’s population.259 Every year, more of these individuals will become eligible to vote and have their voice heard in the democratic process of self-government. Ms. is wholly owned and published by the Feminist Majority Foundation, Support our independent reporting and truth-telling for as little as $5 per month, Women in Politics Institute at American University, please consider supporting our independent reporting and truth-telling for as little as $5 per month, Weekend Reading on Women's Representation, Clinton and Albright Commemorate 25 Years Since the Beijing World Conference on Women, Weekend Reading: It’s Time for a New Social Contract, New Jersey Moves to Codify Roe v. Wade into State Law, Trump Administration Will Stop Blocking Pregnant Minors in Custody from Accessing Abortion, Death Count in ICE Facilities Is the Highest It Has Been in the Last 15 Years. Absentee voting is the process whereby eligible voters are permitted to return, by mail or in person, voted paper ballots prior to an election. 2017. King and Laura Erickson, “Disenfranchising the Enfranchised: Exploring the Relationship Between Felony Disenfranchisement and African American Voter Turnout,”. Our elected bodies are more representative and our laws are fairer when all eligible Americans are able to have their voices heard and to participate in elections. Similarly, of those registered, some 42.5 percent, or 116,000, were unlikely to have registered without AVR, and approximately one-third of the 40,000 previously disengaged people turned out to vote. However, they do provide an idea of how many of America’s missing voters could be engaged through these policies. It is an attack on the integrity of our democracy when the voices of eligible Americans are silenced as individuals are turned away at the polls or removed from state voter registration rolls because of restrictive laws and burdensome practices. Table 1 lists the states in which each of the pro-voter policy reforms assessed in this report have been adopted—although, in some instances, implementation is still underway. You may opt-out by, Impact 50: Investors Seeking Profit — And Pushing For Change, Financial Reform Falls Short Without GSEs. Ralph Northam (D-VA) has continued this work, restoring the rights of 444 ex-offenders since taking office in January 2018. Delaware may soon join the list of states with early voting; The Delaware House of Representatives recently passed early voting and a version of same day voter registration. One benefit of this is that, once a person registers to vote, that individual becomes part of a state’s voter file and is more likely to be contacted by campaign and grassroots efforts, which increase voter participation.93, Preregistration policies allow eligible Americans to preregister to vote before their 18th birthday. IRV is being promoted in the U.S. by numerous individuals and organizations. If one option is ranked first by a majority of voters, it wins. The Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United and related decisions would require a constitutional amendment to permanently change, and several have been proposed. The Citizens United case reversed the McCain-Feingold Act. 2017. Results from a Field Experiment” (2014), available at, In 2007, Florida’s then-Gov. Eligible citizens are much less likely to engage in elections or government if they do not understand them. In implementing this policy, states should ensure that there is an adequate number of early voting locations conveniently located near public transportation. In the jurisdictions where it is used, Kids Voting USA, a “nonpartisan, grassroots-driven voter education program,” has seen some success in increasing participation—particularly for low-income students and people of color.253 The program includes interactive lesson plans; mock elections; homework assignments where parents engage with children on political subject matter; and other activities designed to educate and get kids excited about the act of voting and politics. Because of the Electoral College, presidential candidates generally spend most of their time and resources in ______. Since 2000, voter participation for U.S. citizens has hovered between 54 and 64 percent during presidential elections and between 41 and 48 percent during midterm elections.28 In 2016, falling participation defined the election, as swing states such as Wisconsin and Ohio saw voter participation drop by approximately 3 percent and 4 percent, respectively, compared with 2012.29 Voter participation rates are particularly low during primary and local elections.

In Virginia, 25,941 of the 173,166 formerly incarcerated people who had their voting rights restored by McAuliffe voted in 2016, amounting to a 14.98 percent turnout rate for the group.280 From there, the number of each state’s ineligible formerly incarcerated people—found at the Sentencing Project—was multiplied by 14.98 percent to arrive at 914,728 potential additional votes from formerly incarcerated people in 2016.281.

Voter ID laws make it even harder.” Vox, April 1, 2016, available at, Advancement Project, “Questions & Answers.”, Annenberg Public Policy Center, “Americans’ Knowledge of the Branches of Government Is Declining” (2016), available at, Pew Research Center, “Public Trust in Government Remains Near Historic Lows as Partisan Attitudes Shift” (2017), available at, Betsy Cooper and others, “The Divide Over America’s Future: 1950 or 2050?

This report examines the problem of low voter participation in America, which includes structural barriers that keep Americans from having their voices heard as well as widespread disillusionment with the political process. Instant runoff voting would allow voters to rank their choices on the ballot. “What was surprising” about the final statement “was my abrupt change in delivery,” Smith recalled. [4] This includes only direct subsidies specifically identified in the Cato Institute research. Leaders ensure that the minority party does not nominate qualified candidates. During this time, Ms. is keeping a focus on aspects of the crisis—especially as it impacts women and their families—often not reported by mainstream media. By contrast, those who operate only within third parties just reinforce each other's extremism and frustration over their inevitable failure, often leading to complete disengagement from the political process. Our collective self-rule is established and fostered through free, fair, accessible, and secure elections through which the voice of every eligible American is heard. The magazine Mother Jones said that this money was used "to influence races up and down the ballot", noting further that the cost of elections has continued to escalate. All else being equal, if projections are based on the 5-percent average increase in voter turnout that was experienced by states with SDR, had all states that do not have SDR passed and implemented the policy, there likely could have been more than 4.8 million additional voters in the 2016 elections. Implementing automatic voter registration (AVR) in all 50 states and the District of Columbia could result in more than 22 million newly registered voters in just the first year of implementation.5 In addition, eliminating ex-offender disenfranchisement laws would bring more than 6 million new voters into the electorate.6 At the same time, civic engagement tools must be designed to encourage voting, particularly for those who have become alienated from the democratic process and do not feel heard by their elected leaders or represented in government. Which of the following statements about the National American Woman Suffrage Association is correct? Oregon’s AVR system, implemented in 2016, registers eligible voters through records received by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), whose applications for a driver’s license, learner’s permit, and identification card require all information necessary to determine eligibility to vote in general elections.72 When Oregonians provide their name, address, birthdate, and citizenship information to the DMV, the agency automatically transmits the information to the elections division in the office of the secretary of state. The NCSL counts Massachusetts as having a version of early voting; however, as it is limited to even-year November elections and is not permitted in primaries or municipal elections, for the purposes of this report, the authors did not count Massachusetts as a full early voting state. Many eligible voters with young children must find reliable and affordable child care before going to the polls.


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