antivenom drugs ppt

stream 5) Black Snake Anti venom. Lesson companion for IGCSE Drugs unit ppt added for reference Contact if answers required. London WC1R 4HQ. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details.


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UPDATE: Answers uploaded for your reference :) %���� Giving antivenom should occur in consultation with a clinical toxicologist.

White-lipped Pit Viper.

1. Indications for antivenom use in crotalid envenomation include significant or progressive local tissue findings, hematologic laboratory abnormalities, and/or evidence of systemic toxicity (eg, airway swelling, neurological toxicity, cardiovascular collapse). <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 14 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 595.44 841.68] /Contents 4 0 R/StructParents 0>> x��=ks7��]���O{�8 �L�\';�ƻg���e�λh��K�V��S~����@3ҷ�Tʑ4�G��h�{�;��o>����~��t�_�]��g�{����w�n�߽^]lnV����ɓ���͞�{�軟�L���f�>>~�f��O��j��ua�ٻ�Ǐ����O����������G�m����f�e�}����SS��L��?��5��ًge���E��`�}��U��cFT#�T�.�Yk���n�7�ϛ�b�Ϳ�Ѣ5讨����b��������j�9�Z,��Z�x���B�Y�]5+�V��֏}�#���$��0'x`�:A��ѠJ5E��Z��k�B��%�:������/�_�u���/K3?��ڕ�z�"�mT��x�e���@}�ij?�^ۙ� P0j�#j�JС�m�whDyѓ�}�}��ٺ� +���y��k'���Q��Q=<8B��v ��E��/����T�����S�Aٸ����@��uA��A��{��z��u�#�D�vO�^c/�������.����v^ �r����ڄ�����i?C���L�s"b`��.T/5R9�$A���w�P^�L8jf���`�ϝ8����܋{4%*�W7N#����z�������p"��K`}8$����t`��`'��=ko�������_�����i���ɲaz�^â��.�zEf3��E�*&�%��� m=J��3�KJ��#~°����"D�h�aD榈O$� ��y��9�7�n����Hk�~+{L�2��i[���;�D+�|f�@���6���� {q�Om�i�pX��nWx�����v�nl%��=���m��=j�*X�22��6q�*�7�l�Αs�J[ϓ�U�)����������v#ו}s�g��P��7�:�B#,_�@�2�7u�i����8��"J�{����h�/�E+f�wmc��:u���kLaj)G&Ǡ�qcb*����{}OB�hF�����F����e���*�U!�nd%���/vDsv�K���q�껚Z����� cd��O��N�=. endobj

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Giving Antivenom. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. Find here Anti Snake Venom, Snake Venom Antiserum manufacturers, suppliers & exporters in India. endobj Antivenoms available against North American pit vipers include equine-derived polyvalent antivenin, ovine-origin polyvalent F(ab) fragment antivenin, and equine-origin polyvalent F(ab) 2 fragment antivenin. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Tes Global Ltd is Black Band Sea Snake Products Features Different uses of the products Stroke Medicine- Doctors can use clotbusting drugs to treat stroke patients. }�|�� ���� I just wanted to share a list of sites that helped me a lot during my studies: .................................................................................................................................... - Write an essay .................................................................................................................................... - Summary of books .................................................................................................................................... - Online coursework .................................................................................................................................... - proquest dissertations .................................................................................................................................... - Movies reviews .................................................................................................................................... - Best powerpoint presentations .................................................................................................................................... - Write a research paper .................................................................................................................................... - Homework help online .................................................................................................................................... - Professional resume writing service .................................................................................................................................. - Help with writing any papers ......................................................................................................................................... Save so as not to lose, Gout is NOT for life - I cured 3 years of gout in 4 weeks. Slender Coral Snake.

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Author information: (1)Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center, Denver Health Authority, and the Department of Surgery, Medicine and Pharmacy, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Denver, CO 80230, USA. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website.

Give one vial of tiger and one vial of brown snake antivenom without delay. 2 0 obj s亪��[�@Nm�{���� ��}��vu��fD��m��R�p{gv�9�'X����*ृ�������Ʋ��n5���멻��4m��1 �B ��I���x����pO��Ÿ+�|����u~+L��I��l'�l�%����*k��(pVMO�Z����i��6�I�,/��(�-���EbW=�{�K����6b��ڟ���1VOl���T�Ę�B�ŲL�u/��ւ7�wcUڸ�!��S=�oTYt� ��!v0�U��ꠥW�3p��{�1>{6�?��ݐ�)ƙ�3Ħ���Z�꾃��%�1K�C���,�iA�)-�X��Q������ X��J*��Y���Z����&��� Antivenom is indicated in all children where there is evidence of envenomation. Snake antivenom Antivenom production is a biotechnological process that involves the use of animal blood as raw material, which is processed and purified before obtaining the final product. Coral Snake. The antivenom will be given either in an injection or through an IV (through a needle in the arm), so that it can take action as quickly as possible. <>/OutputIntents[<>] /Metadata 592 0 R>>

��U�!���?���F�6A�q�Lj�]� While either of these methods may produce side effects, they’ve proven to be the most effective. The sooner antivenom is initiated, the more effective it is. The mainstay of hospital treatment for venomous snakebite is antivenom. Created: Oct 17, 2017| Updated: Feb 23, 2018, Lesson companion for IGCSE Drugs unit �0�(�4@D����v�2�> ��T��[ZT��X2U�.���\�qd��"tg�F�E̖eQ���ANrgKwP��Wb��v�������8��6\��Kxl����2���X���>f=�UE_Ǜrb� @ޜ��lq���&��y�[�̩��_N���0�Z�#��)L5�$�:!�z�q��&U=/X `6�.��(�g���~?��*�,+���, ���z������4O�hL�U��V��Z͋Ų����m�~fIc{�Pj�xr?�X/���G��z�����Z]��Y����`���8�����m�/�,ڹmn�,TMc�}nO��l��/�/'�� ����m{�������.�~S���.��Eo����,�*s�F7�Vm��c6v�7eO���څ���ۭE�?`PX��/�wB��!Y�E��o�����n,�q�+�a{���%̰���^>qop���?趷�N�����]^�/o���B�q'?���n{��AD���[����,AZY�����Hn�H�u@ �'��^�= �k� X�|Oȵ�����Y�c��-���~=�hme�ޥZ�NʚFكֆzT �зOTmv�/���I?����>�lD)x�@��~Ҹf}��ֽ��J :"߱���*���wl�6fG8>w+��k��!�DSѯ8�{�:P� L� H���Nܕ[���@�?�g�z�lhL�m-l5c�e�.-p��I�����7�G��:�#��QU� NEmnD��[M�edn��:���6� SԸx�E#����H ��f�b�!A8��)]�8n$)�aON���:t���> 0��Pi��@x-�t8�E�? Snake venom significantly lowers the blood pressure in human victims and experimental animals.

endobj y����]x���zv{�*��IHA��m�$ʒ��9��Ox��/Q����������'7) ��|�����!�b�� Fibrinogenolytic and fibrinolytic activity 1 0 obj registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office at 26 Red Lion <> Have u ever tried external professional writing services like ⇒ ⇐ ? If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. <> w2F)���.Ư*����V�r�E+��$��{(/"�o>~D� 1) Polyvalent Snake Anti venom. Scorpion antivenom is sometimes used with caution because of concerns over its side effects and cost (although with the development of Anascorp antivenom… =����!�:_�n~�q�she)�� Learn more.

AcH��-�#V�_��B}M�D#;�h]��Nx�`����~nۗڷ�� ��vN��1� �=G�������� 3김;�5���/{�t �lD�u���G�m��]�Z4 This antivenom was used for treatment of scorpion stings in Arizona until 2004, when production ceased and stockpiles expired. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising.

Antivenom is the only direct and specific means of neutralizing snake venom. v�&����`|?�ow��uG6œN��D�%�$���l D{���c`�Ӎ�Ҽ��X �6�-�ͅ|̓H��70p�/�s+L�����1>���ڡ Get contact details & address of companies manufacturing and supplying Anti Snake Venom, Snake Venom Antiserum, Snake Antivenom across India. TOP OTC DRUG 2.

ppt added for reference, UPDATE: Answers uploaded for your reference :). Hi there! Antivenoms can prevent or reverse most of the snakebite envenomings effects, and play a crucial role in minimizing mortality and morbidity. Dilute one vial in 100mls of … Snake antivenom immunoglobulins (antivenoms) are the only specific treatment for envenoming by snakebites. Therapeutic role of Anti -venom Many toxins from snake venom are investigated and formulated into drugs for the treatment ofconditions such as cancer, hypertension and thrombosis. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Square If you wish to opt out, please close your SlideShare account. OTC drugs ppt 1. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already.


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