alpha protocol dialogue guide

Exit the office by using the second set of balcony doors, farthest from where you entered. There are some special benefits for raising your reputation with Madison, and this is one of your few chances to raise it.

Martial Arts will be even more handy. In particular, Madison is a good choice if you want to romance her.

The result is the same, but sending the e-mail to Mina requires completing another mission for the response. Stay up there as long as possible, killing as my terrorists within reach. They have several weapons caches that they plan to send into the city, aiding Marburg. He also encounters an undercover NSA worker, who may or may not become suspicious of Thorton. After completing the ruins mission and the warehouse mission, Thorton and Madison have a short encounter. You start in the basement.

From the courtyard, you have the option to use a locked door to the left of the front gate, or you can use an open door the right of the front gate. Ignoring the billboards, other problems in the area include your initial three targets: an Al-Samad leader named Jibril Al-Bara, whom you will receive a dossier on; the CIA listening post; and the NSA computer servers. Also to the left is a side-room with a briefcase holding $2250, and a locked safe holding a dossier on Scarlet. He likes realistic, pragmatic responses, but dislikes snide comments and retorts. Using the computer triggers a survival fight with several enemies. The locked door brings you to the ground floor of the next facility, while the open door brings you to the second floor of the facility.

Alternatively, taking the middle hallway will almost certainly raise the alarms, as there are cameras and several henchmen in the next room. After a mission goes awry, Michael is cut off from all of his contacts and betrayed by his superiors and is being hunted by the United States government. This route is shorter than the other way, as the next set of double doors brings you to the same hallway that the stealth route would have brought you. A weapon mod is hiding behind the other set of balcony doors. They realize that the weapons being smuggled into Rome and the art pieces in the warehouse are connected, and that the art museum is Marburg's target. After killing the lieutenant, Shaheed will drive onto the scene in his Stryker tank. This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the SEGA or Obsidian Entertainment.

Each stage has a certain number of guests you can identify or kill. This first area has two henchmen. She believes that Thorton is in danger, so she comes forward. Scarlet generally likes suave, flirty answers, but since this is your first impression, don't try to flirt too much. Taking them all out without being detected is challenging, especially since they can all witness the death of each other.

Blue marks the places where you can find some precious secrets, in most cases - upgrades. One hides using the distant stairs, while another is on the front porch and occasionally hides behind a tree. Neither Jibril Al-Bara nor the Halbech informant show up. This is the recommended route for stealth, and you should be able to reach this door undetected as logn as you hug the wall. All interaction after that will not raise suspicion, assuming you do not execute the man. After identifying Al-Bara, Thorton has the option to assassinate him or to abort the mission, leaving the man alive. I suppose not everything is perfect in paradise. This may take a few tries, but fortunately there was a checkpoint just before this balcony. To complete this mission easily without problem, simply use the passphrase. kuzco med død mus < > …

It is unlikely that these two guards will raise the alarms during the fight, especially if you defeat them quickly. The previous two routes will also be closed off, so be sure to trace them both for the optional objectives and exp before grabbing your gear.

SitemapAdvertisePartnershipsCareersPrivacy PolicyAd ChoiceTerms of UseReport Ad, CA Privacy/Info We CollectCA Do Not Sell My Info. The second weapon cache will also be in this room. Mina can be jealous, especially when other ladies are involved, but you will have plenty of opportunities to raise reputation with her later.

Before leaving, he also grabs the ID of the torture victim. Follow the path in the crypt to find another weapon mod and two patrollers. True to his word, choosing one will result in the death of someone. After your discussion with Scarlet, Thorton will land in the next region and have a short briefing with Mina on the starting objectives. Upon return to the hide-out, Madison shows concern for Thorton's activity.

Thorton meets Madison at a local restaurant. It is worth mentioning that this trophy will be awarded regardless of what ending you get, or who survives. Thorton's weapons and armor will be removed for the conversation. Questions. If you stay undetected and use non-lethal attacks, a follow-up e-mail with Mina will change, as will several other missions in the region. An exact name of the item is included in the guide. If you had done the ruins mission previously, one of several things can happen, depending on your reputation with Madison: Agent Thorton navigates through some ancient Roman ruins. Maps of each area have been included, thanks to which you will be able to easily find specific characters, items and important places. The final bend of the hallway reveals the exit to the courtyard, guarded by a lone turret. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, achievements, and secrets for Alpha Protocol for Xbox 360. A spy thriller in the vein of more recent James Bond movies, Alpha Protocol sex scenes are optional, but add a huge sense of place to the themes presented (blame James Bond for this). After the time-skip, you will unlock your advanced class. After finding his gear, Thorton investigates the mansion for all of the Halbech intel and connections he can find. If you go the straight up combat route, use grenades or firebombs to quickly take out the grounded terrorists. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. The following symbols have been used: (M1, 1) - the description refers to place 1 found on map number 1. The two side nooks in the courtyard contain ammo piles that will respawn. First, it gives Marburg an opportunity to shake Thorton down, and analyze his mannerisms. Behind this door is a lone henchman, a safe holding $1000, a computer that will deactive the cameras, and a computer with $4000. It's possible that you already have a 100% dossier on Al-Samad by completing missions in other regions. One is behind the gate, while the other two are on the road outside. Depending on the situation, it can be an easily accessible bag or a treasure hidden inside a safe. Then use the nearby cover to shootout the lieutenant. Kill the henchmen in the courtyard, then make a dash for the exit gate. In case a certain mission has more than one map, they are numbered using the alphabet - M1A, M1B etc. Finish the mission by using the gates in the courtyard. There will be two patrollers circling into the caved in room and the plaza outside. The storyline does change slightly depending on the order your choose, so it is worth playing the game multiple times by doing the regions in different orders. He also downloads intel information from their servers, obtaining more information on the Al-Samad activity in Rome. The stryker will make a quick beeping noise before it fires.

Avoid using the computer in the center until you have grabbed everything. If you spared Shaheed's life and he did not die from the missiles, you can buy intel to contact him. Rome is probably the easiest region overall, but it can still be difficult to start if you did not buy equipment before ending Saudi Arabia. This can be easy to miss. You may expect it is a trap, and that using it will give you away. One will deactivate the cameras and give $7000, while the other will complete the objective of installing a computer virus. These e-mails do not change the ending, so pick your reply in terms of gameplay. Like before, using professional responses is the best way to earn her respect, while acting aggressive will scare her.

Translated to English by Jakub "cilgan" Lasota, Author : Jacek "Stranger" Halas for

You will get a large reputation boost with him if you have completed 50% or more of his dossier before talking with him. If you need help deciding, just note that Jibril does not have a long lifespan, so to speak, even if you do not pernonally kill him. This will also make manuevering around upstairs easier. He has the option to comfort her fears, or coldly shrug her off. Identifying all the guests at each stage will automatically move you to the next area, and this is the only way to progress peacefully. Shaheed's fate most certainly affects the later storlyine, so make your decision wisely. If you listen to his story, you have the option to arrest him, or let him go. Additionally, if you did missions in Moscow before coming to Rome, and you agreed to work with Brayko or Surkov, and have a high reputation, you can buy a bonus intel from one of them. Immediately down the right staircase is a wall section with a hose on it. In the sideroom to the left of the stairs are two computers.

After the mission, Mina will contact you saying a woman named Madison Saint-James is running searches on you. ImaCarrot 10 years ago #1.

Unfortunately, if you used your chainshot or shadow operative in this room, you will need it again for the next hallway. As a reminder, avoid using "suave" responses with Mina when Madison is involved, as it will insult Mina. After the time-skip, Michael will either mourn the death of Madison, or view a recording left by her saying she does not want to see him again. Despite what Westridge says, you are not actually timed for this next area, so take your time. Outside there are three patrollers, and all three like to hide behind scenery. Cutting the video feed will cause one of the guards upstairs to patrol into the basement, letting you easily take him out. Three guards are patrolling this area, one in the center and one at each flank. Alternatively, you can ignore all the enemies and simply make a break for it, using a med-kit when necessary. Completing the mission automatically grants $15,000, and will open up the mission Contact Jibril Al-Bara if you spared him, or Contact Halbech Informant if you killed him. Either way, you can agree to meet with the person, or you can send the e-mail to Mina for her to analyze.


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