venture sentence noun

Ventured her entire fortune on a single stock. Something on which a risk is taken, as the merchandise in a commercial enterprise or a stake in gambling. var __recaptchaCallback = function() {

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After 10 years, she decided to venture out on her own as an entrepreneur.

I say this not merely at a venture, but on the strength of what has happened in the past. But the RSN itself did not, until the beginning of the present century, At Larnaca, Cyprus, I learned that the new LCA Middle Eastern mission, In 1990, Pearlman and his partner, David Lawl, acquired 50 percent of Majestic Entertainment through their, This would be done within the context of where Logel and KYU are now and where they want their joint, The manufacturing enterprise is remembered as an innovative, Philips says the new company has the potential to develop into a full joint, Eastman and Sinopec Yangzi Petrochemical Company have an existing joint, China-based Anhui Chery Auto Co and Bosch Investment Co, a subsidiary of Bosch, have set up a joint, Akin Magbadelo, MD of Kiny Foods, said the rent for the Cuisine Africana outlet was low enough to make the, But again, it's tough to find consensus when it comes to kickers, so this year I am going to, The two business partners initially began their Home2Office Watercoolers, This case study explores the feasibility of a new business, A man would be well enough pleased to buy silks of one whom he would not, Boaty took the proposition one step further by volunteering to produce this first, Beatrix reminds her mother of the book she wrote, and her mother retorts she believes the, On December 3, 2009, it was announced that NBCUniversal will become a joint, The latter was a joint venture between Belaruskali and Uralkali, but on July 30, 2013 Uralkali announced that it had ended the, First used in 1723, today the term implies qualities of leadership, initiative, and innovation in new, Some criminal codes criminalize association with a criminal, In 1728 Vitus Bering entered the Bering Strait and, by reporting that, It was the VOC that invented the idea of investing in the company rather than in a specific, Its population is limited to freshwater habitats, and, unlike other manatees, it does not, It is operated by DTV Services Ltd, a joint, The roe deer is primarily crepuscular, very quick and graceful, and lives in woods, although it may, Many large financial institutions, multinational banks, and, Tin Machine began work on a second album, but Bowie put the, In 1884 an attempt was made at autonomy with the formation of two West Indian Conferences, however by 1903 the, Pedro de Mendoza, on whom the country was next bestowed, founded Buenos Aires, but did not, It is looking to sell off its stake in a petrochemicals joint, In 2007 Wasps, Wycombe Wanderers and Wycombe District Council entered a joint, This would be the beginning of Herbert George Wells's, After taking Byron to Greece, the ship returned to England, never again to, Many fall prey to the golden-backed uakaris that, The London Centre for Nanotechnology was established in 2003 as a joint, The London Centre for Nanotechnology was established in the same year as a joint, In 2004, it was reported that Silicon Fen was the second largest, In that year it also bought Unibus in Denmark, its first, In Brunel's favour, it has been noted that he had the courage to call a halt to the, A third usual source of capital for startup companies has been, Atlantic grey seals from Liverpool Bay occasionally, From the beginning of the exploration and conquest of the Indies, the Crown assumed the control of the, Posidonius and Strabo described an island of women where men could not, I have recently given some thought to manly sports, and I, There is not the strength or courage left me to, He had nothing better to do than to take chance for his guide, and to go at a, It was obviously his policy to appear all things to all people.

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The latest Russian-American space venture has failed due to engineering problems.

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Does English Have More Words Than Any Other Language? {code: 'ad_topslot', pubstack: { adUnitName: 'old_topslot', adUnitPath: '/70903302/topslot' }, mediaTypes: { banner: { sizes: [[728, 90]] } }, }); , More than likely, Jill’s ice cream cart will only be a profitable venture during the summer months. Definition of Venture. { bidder: 'appnexus', params: { placementId: '12526109' }}, }; window.__tcfapi('removeEventListener', 2, function(success){ name: "pubCommonId", iasLog("setting page_url: - " + pageUrlSetting); venture noun translate: рискованное предприятие .

noun A commercial enterprise undertaken jointly by two or more parties which otherwise retain their distinct identities. Abbreviation: JV, J.V. if(window.__tcfapi) googletag.cmd.push(function() {

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'max': 30,

Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. an undertaking that has some risk attached, Although the venture is going to cost me a lot of money, I can easily recoup my funds in three months if the business is successful. url : 'academic',

{ bidder: 'ix', params: { siteId: '220624', size: [320, 50] }}, Adjectives for venture include ventersome, ventrous, venturesome, venturous, ventured and venturing. iasLog("__tcfapi removeEventListener", success); Venture definition: A venture is a project or activity which is new, exciting , and difficult because it... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

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'min': 8.50,

A business enterprise involving some risk in expectation of gain. 'cap': true A risky or dangerous undertaking; esp., a new or speculative business enterprise. To express at the risk of criticism, objection, denial, etc.

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to venture funds to venture a guess (intransitive) to dare to engage in; to attempt without any certainty of success. };

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